Letters to the Editor: Joe Moss giving us all the finger

Joe Moss giving us all the finger

Joe Moss effectively gave the finger to every taxpayer and business located in the city of Ferrysburg, Grand Haven, Holland and Zeeland, and the townships of Holland, Springlake and Zeeland!

During the January 2024 Ottawa County Board of Commissioners annual meeting, Joe Moss limited the board appointments of Commissioners Bergman, Bonnema and Zylstra to 1 assignment each for the standing committees and none to the Ottawa County Insurance Authority All other commissioners were assigned to 3-6 standing committees. Bonnema is the most experienced with insurance but Joe Moss added Rhodea to replace Ebel on the OCIA board. In January 2023, Joe Moss didn’t understand the importance of the OCIA board and Bergman was appointed.

A week later, Bergman was removed and Ebel was added. Sneaky Joe Moss. Fast forward to January 2024. Joe replaced Ebel with Rhodea. He must be nervous that Ebel may lose her seat & he can’t be without the critical majority vote on the OCIA.

Anyone who lives in the aforementioned cities or townships no longer have a voice at the county. Please don’t fall for the billboards of faith, family, freedom — dig deeper!

Ottawa Impact has been reckless with county funds! They are full of vengeance toward public health, making rash decisions and spending taxpayer money foolishly. Please do not take my word for it … do your research. Our AAA bond rating is in jeopardy, (bond rating is somewhat like a credit rate), we will be in the high-risk category for insurance that is unless the insurance company dumps us before. All of this equates to an increase in cost to the taxpayer. Ottawa Impact commissioners are NOT making fiscally sound decisions. They say they are republican but not acting as such. Do your research people and VOTE!

Dianne Fikse

Former employee of Ottawa County fiscal services

Trying to level with the Ottawa GOP

Look, Ottawa County Republicans, I’m just trying to understand your behavior; it’s so un-Republican. You’re like a vegetarian hosting an ox roast. What reasoning justifies the party of Lincoln organizing an attack on the Capitol? Shortly after Republican lawmakers came out from under their desks on Jan. 6, after unbarricading their doors, after calling Trump and begging him to stop, after speeches by McCarthy, McConnell, Graham, and others condemning the violent attack, after all that, before your eyes, these same individuals retreated and recanted, calling the death and destruction at the Capitol a peaceful protest and calling the arrested and convicted rioters hostages.

And the election: despite all the court cases, despite the recounts, despite two Republican-commissioned state investigations, despite the testimonials from Republican secretaries of state, despite all of this evidence confirming it was a fair election, more than half of you believe the election was stolen. It’s as if you’ve experienced a religious conversion where facts and common sense are abandoned.

Aren’t you bothered that all the evidence — not the self-serving claims that 60 court cases couldn’t prove — show that you are being scammed by the former president, and the Republican leadership would rather exile people like Cheney, Kinzinger, and Romney than admit the truth and risk Trump’s wrath?

Even more puzzling is your insistence that Donald Trump was a great president and deserves to be your candidate in 2024. Don’t you care that as president he ignored his daily intelligence reports, that he recommended worming pills as a COVID remedy, that infrastructure week never materialized, that many in his former administration now speak ill of him, and that his publicist, FOX News, admitted to feeding you lies to keep your viewership? Why are Nazis and white supremacists attracted to your party? I don’t get it. Do you?

Richard Kamischke

Grand Haven Township

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letters to the Editor: Joe Moss giving us all the finger
