Letters to the Editor: Huizenga content to waste platform being an agent of MAGA

Huizenga content to waste platform being an agent of MAGA

I know life is very busy and things can be missed in our world, but I just wanted to make sure that everyone in the Holland area is aware that our U.S. Rep. in Congress, Bill Huizenga, co-authored a resolution recently in the U.S. House of Representatives that denies that Trump engaged in the insurrection by attempting to overthrow the election of 2020.

With all due respect, what planet is our representative on? All of the FACTS point to that Trump did, in fact, engage in insurrectionist behavior. From the push “to find” votes to Georgia’s secretary of state. To the creation of “fake electors” in many states including Michigan. As well as his part in the riots at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. I thought Rep. Huizenga was to represent all the people in his district. Doesn’t Rep. Huizenga have better things to spend his time on?

With all the challenges facing us today such as border security, tax reform, childcare, housing shortages, and the greed affecting food prices. Rep. Huizenga continues to waste his time being an agent for MAGA and spending his time being an agent for Trump. I urge you to write our Congressman and ask that he do the people’s work, not that of Donald Trump’s.

Michael Mooney

Park Township

Huizenga, others won't stop enabling Trump

I just received an email from Rep. Huizenga asking me to respond to a survey on whether or not I would trust President Biden to continue as commander-in-chief. I definitely would. And, I would think that after hearing Trump say he would encourage Putin and Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" to countries in NATO, Huizenga, too, would want President Biden to remain as commander in chief.

When Reagan was president, we were thrilled that the Cold War was over and that the U.S. had prevailed over authoritarian governments. Now it seems that the Republican front-runner for the presidency has decided that those same governments should be encouraged and appeased and that our country should become just like them.

I also hope that the voting public would sit up and take notice of the danger Trump continues to pose to not only our country but to our allies around the world. And, that our representatives in Congress will not stop enabling Trump by continuing to endorse his baseless lies about the election he lost and would stop giving in to their MAGA counterparts who continue to put roadblocks up on necessary legislation.

Pamela Nordhof


Happiness at Unified game

Recently I watched a Unified basketball game.

Unified games involve people with different impairments playing basketball. These games are played with high school games. It is hard not to be happy watching one of the games.

The news or politics got you down? Attend one of these games. I figured out the rules: Everyone gets to play, it is more important to pass than to shoot, you cheer when your opponent gets a shot, nobody looks at the scoreboard.

David Vander Sluis


This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Letter: Huizenga content to waste platform being an agent of MAGA
