Letters to the editor: Grateful neighborhood and utility pole say thanks
Thanks from a grateful neighborhood and, yes, utility pole
To the editor:
Re: status of a city utility pole in peril
The pole and the neighborhood want to thank the Utility Division of the City for getting back to us and discussing what can be done to protect the pole from vehicular assault.
State regs prevent using bollards but there are other options, such as the Jersey Wall, which might work.
We were promised a serious discussion among city personnel about the situation — including the benefits to workmen and neighbors of not having to do work in awful conditions and not losing our electricity in the same awful conditions.
We would like to personally thank the utilities supervisor for using his skills — technical, personal and diplomatic — in tending to our needs with this phone call.
Mary W. Haines
The only thing that means anything to Americans is freedom
To the editor:
As we Americans surrender more and more of our freedom and uniqueness, our behavior becomes more and more self-destructive — drugs; the neurotic fear of illness; escapism; strange gender cults and ideologies; bad and excessive eating; a psychological dependence on medication; murder; and political behavior rivaling that of the Romans in the early stages of their disintegration as a republic all attest to our malady.
A great, almost suicidal wail arises from countless constituencies and identity-groups as they lament the complexities and challenges of life itself and begin to hate themselves and everybody else as though life's journey and struggle —even the quest for love itself — were a terrible trial and imposition on their hedonistic, couch-potato consumerism.
Why is this? The answer is globalism.
Americans are not wired to be socialist consumers of wine and cheese and the bikini lifestyle of the French, the Italians, the Germans, the Scandinavians or even the British, who (I am joking) used to be "reliable." The meaningless, "consumer" lifestyle of the appetites and the senses heralded by the globalist promoters of the European Union as a worldwide model for human striving will not work as a model for Americans, who have the Declaration of Independence, Valley Forge, the Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg and Omaha Beach wired into our psyches.
The only thing that means anything to Americans is freedom. Americans have stood up to the world and to themselves and have roared in rebellion since before 1776, refusing to knuckle under to any power other than their own consciences — and this continual globalist battering of "American exceptionalism" by those among us and by those "outsiders" who envy us is taking a huge toll on the American soul, destabilizing our sense of ourselves and of our country.
Americans will not be healed until we find the courage to shout our sovereignty to the four winds and to declare ourselves free.
Sam Cuthbert
No one respects us because of Biden/Harris administration
To the editor:
I have deep concerns for our country. I see the great red, white and blue under this administration similar to a third world country! The protesters have said death to America and they are American citizens, plus the writing on federal statues "Hamas is coming," etc.
No one respects us anymore. I believe this is because of how weak this administration has been. Biden/Harris laid out a welcome mat and look what happens. Protesters are burning our great flag and nothing happens, and on and on.
Both sides see the problem. Where is the unity that both parties agreed to after the Trump assassination attempt on July 13? Well, that lasted about two to three days.
A group of Republicans replaced the flag that was burned by protesters, where were the Democrats? Our country needs our help! We all need to get along! I pray we will come together again.
I love my country! God bless the U.S.A.
Judy Holland
Hedgesville, W.Va.
Biden's removal was a democratic coup
To the editor:
Biden was forced to drop out of the 2024 election. After the debate between Trump and Biden everyone saw that Biden was in major cognitive decline.
Fundraising sources for approximately $90 million for the Biden campaign were put on hold. Democratic leaders Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Obama and other Democratic leaders urged for his ouster.
It was a democratic coup and the deception of Biden being mentally fit finally caught up with him. It is a sad situation, but he had no choice but to step down from running in the current election.
Martha Sullivan
ADA compliant is not necessarily handicapped friendly
To the editor:
I was interested in the front page article of Sunday, July 28, 2024, as ADA turns 34, one in four adults live with disability. I am in the one in four category.
I try to stay as independent as I can. I use a cane, rollator and/or mobility scooter. Places are ADA compliant but not handicapped friendly. I have spoken with some powers that be about this.
For instance, the pedestrian crosswalk in front of the Maryland Theater is not handicapped friendly. There is no ramp into that crosswalk. When talking with the city, they say the ramps at the ends of the sidewalk are ADA compliant. But they are not handicap friendly or even safe, especially if an event is at night. It is much safer if I could cross with the crowd.
Parking in the garage is not safe if you are the last one in the garage.
ADA compliant is not necessarily handicapped friendly.
In front of some stores, there are ramps; however, they need to be painted blue so they can be easily seen.
Electric carts in grocery stores — the plugs are too low for someone with back issues to unplug. Also, they are parked too close together to even reach the plug. They often lose their power during shopping.
Handicapped parking places are near a curb, making it difficult to exit the car safely.
Toilet paper dispensers are often not on the wall near the toilet in handicapped stalls.
Some elevator doors close too quickly for those who walk slowly.
I was told that the new stadium has three handicapped parking spaces and those are in the employee parking lot. You would have to have someone drive you to the front, let you off in order to get inside — not good for those who are disabled and independent.
There is no way to get help at a gas station.
There are no handicapped door buttons at many doctors offices, or at stores or restaurants.
This is only part of my list.
It’s not easy navigating the world with a disability. ADA compliance is simply minimal guidelines.
My mission is to help make things easier, so that disabled people can truly live independently.
Sybil Schiffman
Site for new DCNR visitor center was carefully chosen
To the editor:
Pennsylvanians are fortunate that their Constitution and their leaders have resulted in millions of acres of forests and parks that they own and can enjoy for their beauty and use for recreation for free.
Providing these opportunities to conserve nature, welcome users and recognize conservation history has resulted in a disagreement in the Michaux State Forest in Franklin County about whether state forestland should be designated for one type of user — golfers — or serve a higher purpose with benefits to a greater number of visitors including hikers, bikers, families, and related communities and businesses that welcome and support them.
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is planning a new visitor center at what is currently the leased South Mountain Golf Course to welcome a greater variety of users, teach them about conservation and connect them to a wide range of recreation out in the forest.
The site was carefully chosen as the best location to enhance public access, protect natural and historical resources, and connect to outdoor opportunities in order to make the best use of the investment by taxpayers.
As a forefather of conservation and forestry in Pennsylvania former Governor Gifford Pinchot said, this is “the greatest good for the greatest number in the long run.”
DCNR regrets this is a loss for some and is supporting this location and project because of its benefit for many others.
Seth Cassell
Pennsylvania State Forester
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
This article originally appeared on The Herald-Mail: Letters to the editor for Sunday, Aug. 4