Letters to the Editor: Does Missouri need to level playing field for high school sports?

Missouri sports need a level playing field for public schools

As I am finishing up my time as a public school dad and parent, I have witnessed some amazing athletic talent by Nixa, Republic, Ozark, Central, and, of course, Kickapoo. I was a Neosho grad, and our running joke in our time was that we would have to get through our district and conference to go get beat by Springfield.

Now, being in Springfield, it is the same idea to get through the area Springfield schools to go get beat by KC or St. Louis, which is fine. Old mantra still stands, there is always someone out there bigger and stronger.

What I have a problem with is schools that can recruit with scholarships. Believe me, EVERY quality school recruits to their town if they are any good at anything. But seeing Incarnate Word now has a 133 game (??) win streak with consistent D1 talent is what has to stop for the public schools. They have a system in place for their class to bump up to the next class, but what happens when you are in Class 6? No high school program should win 130+ games. Marshfield has done it, and Strafford has had a run. Again, HATS off to those programs. That is crazy.

But watching any public school try to compete with higher paid coaches, that ALL they have to do is coach basketball IS an advantage. Being able to offer athletes scholarships IS an advantage even if partial. Usually, those schools have nicer facilities, which IS an advantage. Academy high schools have their own playoffs. They can play anyone in the regular season, as can public schools, but what matters to everyone is the state playoffs. Private schools should have their own playoff system, too. I watched Nixa boys play against a private school and play their hearts out. They should have a state championship. I watched Kickapoo girls' basketball play private schools in the semis and championship, again, they should have more championships.

Anyone who knows me knows I love watching great athletes and teams regardless of gender. These past four years, I have been honored to watch some amazing athletes at Springfield area schools. Just sad to see them not have more trophies because of the system. The state of Missouri really needs to reevaluate the system and do what is right for those kids that stay with their public schools and DO NOT go to Incarnate Word, Link, or wherever may be offering them to leave. If it is more of a level playing field, they may decide to decline that offer. They may not. But let's make it a harder choice; otherwise, the Link Academy's and Incarnate Words of the world will continue to weaken your local sports teams.

Robert DeVore, Springfield

No need for "smart" ALECs

Wealth disparity is threatening the American dream. The wealthiest 400 alone are worth the combined income of the bottom 64% of the population while 18% of our children live in poverty.

The 1960s were filled with protests for racial equality, higher wages, and war protests. The GOP suffered from "white extinction anxiety" — panic threatened with the possible loss of privilege and power.

In 1973, the GOP developed the American Legislative Exchange Council — ALEC. Composed of a group of corporate lobbyists and founded by big corporations, they ram far-right legislation favoring the wealthy through state houses. They write and state legislators "sponsor" it by putting their names on it, increasing their dark money campaign contributions.

Among ALEC's model bills are stand your ground gun laws, plans to rewrite the Constitution favoring corporate America, racially discriminating voter ID laws, rolling back the right to vote, destroying environmental protections, and Right-to-Work. "Sponsored" by Eric Burlison, its goal was to hand corporate America a totally defenseless workforce. After passage, voters wisely voted it out. This is the reason for GOP current efforts to destroy the initiative process, which also brought about Medicaid expansion, minimum wage increases, and Clean Missouri. Now they are attacking Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

The GOP demands absolute loyalty from legislators. They are told how they will vote with dire consequences if they fail to knuckle under. Blackmail punishments for individual thinking include loss of committee positions, no legislation passage for your district, running a candidate against you in your re-election campaign, and taking away your parking place in the capitol basement. Rumor has it that they may start stealing your lunch money.

Missouri has been a state of "farm auction" politics since the GOP super majority seized power — the highest bidder wins. Elect Democrats to restore democracy and stop the plunder.

History tells us that Trump — now calling himself "Honest Don" — made false or misleading claims totaling 30,573 over four years. It appears the GOP is prepared to follow Trump as he leaps off Trump Tower. Hear them proclaim as they plummet past the fifth floor, "Everything is fine with the Republican Party!"

Under another destructive Trump presidency, world peace would become a flaming trash can fire fueled by Trump hair products, Russian bear grease, and Chinese fireworks from internet hacking.

Biden Democrats are focused on protecting collective bargaining rights, keeping jobs in the U.S., creating an economy that rewards those who make this country work, rewarding work over wealth, promoting healthcare as a right, defending voting rights, and honoring the dignity of work.

Stop ALEC's GOP from further victimizing the American people — government by corporate lobbyists. A vote for a Republican is a vote for ALEC.

The fifth floor is a long way from reality. The true "comedown" is total devastation of our democracy and your children's future.

Jan Lancaster, Springfield

Israel should allow humanitarian aid to Gaza

Israel should consider the counsel that the Lord gives in regard to expediting food and medical aid shipments into Gaza.

As given in Proverbs 25:21-22 and mirrored in Romans 12:20, it's not godly to withhold or restrict humanitarian assistance to non-combat civilians while a war is in progress, if it's at all possible to help with relief. Highways leading into Gaza would have to be opened. The problems with (1) protecting the convoy truck drivers and (2) securely escorting aid transports in and out of Gaza could be solved by a neutral, mutually-trusted country providing armed security services to prevent hijackings or unruly mobs from overwhelming shipments before they can reach the actual civilians in need. Israel will still control gates into Gaza and inspect shipments to verify that no weaponry, ammunition, or explosives are being secreted to Hamas in or on vehicles or trailers.

On a related note, the refugees in the city of Rafah should be cautiously and carefully evacuated before any coming Israeli assault there to minimize civilian deaths. Toward the north in Gaza, tent cities with ample clean water and proper sanitation must be constructed first. Food distribution with reliable medical operations must be set up to handle a million+ individuals. A peaceful and orderly evacuation must be conducted under mutually-trusted supervision with close Israeli inspection of identity cards to thereby weed out and arrest any fleeing Hamas military personnel.

In closing, Israel should consider its "latter end." It owns the title deed of the land known as Gaza. In judgement, do they want to be remembered as its "landlords" or "slumlords"? Or its bullies? Or tyrants? The entire world is watching.

Kevin Corbin, Springfield

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Letters: Public schools need level playing field in Missouri
