Letters to the Editor

We accomplish more together

Good things are happening in our community. Yellow Day uplifted children and all. We shared our light together.My thoughts also drift to recent City Council meetings where the proposed Chief of Staff for the Mayor was discussed. Viewpoints sharply diverged, but everyone had their say, and hopefully, we all listened with open minds.

The outcome was not what I felt is essential to manage the growth we’ve experienced the last several years. We are no longer the city we were during a recession in 2012, when the position was left unfilled.

However, I was still proud of how we treated one another with respect. My favorite comments came from the last citizen speaking; she offered this sage counsel: “Vote your conscience.”

Not vote along with your party or against another party or vote conservative or progressive. Vote your conscience for the good of our community. We all agree that we want what is best for Chillicothe, for all of us. Let’s work together whenever we can. We’ll accomplish so much more together.


Beverly Y. Wilkes


Nativity should be part of Christmas light display

Can you imagine celebrating a holiday where you reflect on the principles of racial equality and nonviolent social change and not call it Martin Luther King, Jr. Day because he is a religious figure?

When asked why a nativity scene is not included in the Shine on Chillicothe light display in Yoctangee Park, I was told by Shine on Chillicothe that “the area of the park that we light up is without any political and/or religious themes.”

The reason for the light display is because of the Christmas season, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

Shine on Chillicothe has noted some steps the city needs to take, such as a Memorandum of Understanding. In the meantime, Shine on Chillicothe could take the idea of adding a nativity scene up in their committee.

I call on the citizens of Chillicothe to lobby the Shine on Chillicothe organization and their council representatives to make this reasonable and appropriate addition happen. Let’s give our best for the many visitors that come and see Chillicothe over the Christmas holiday season!

Rich Arnold


This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Letters to the Editor
