Letters to the Editor

Jeff Henness deserves your vote

My name is Carolyn Lee. I have had the pleasure of knowing Jeff Henness in many capacities: as one of my students, a construction business owner/builder, a township trustee and as a very good friend. Jeff is willing to tackle any kind of work with dedication and skill.

About one year ago I had an unfortunate accident. I fell and broke my hip while working outside. I had left my phone in the house; it took me two hours to crawl back inside my house and text my family for help. When they called 911, Union Township’s EMS came immediately. Our gravel lane is one mile long and I was dreading the ride to the hospital. But once these wonderful young men had me settled on the cot the pain subsided. I did not experience any additional pain during the entire ride. It felt like I was traveling on a featherbed. I found out later that Jeff Henness had authorized acquiring this amazing, Stryker Power Pro XT cot when he was a Union Township Trustee.

Thank you again to Jeff and the Union Township EMS Services for their excellent care.

Jeff Henness has been through tough times that have only helped to build his character and build his faith. Jeff is dedicated, hardworking and objective. He is a natural leader and is a great liaison who can work well with others.His integrity is unquestionable. He is service oriented, loves his community and will work hard for Union Township.

A vote for Jeff Henness is a vote for Union Township!

Carolyn LeeFrankfort

Vote for Democrats for city offices

Arrogance and ignorance are two of the worst traits to see demonstrated in a group of leaders.Under current Republican leadership, Chillicothe City Council has been inefficient, ineffective, arrogant, and downright ignorant as a body, failing to provide the kind of careful planning and bold leadership the city desperately needs.

Faced with a homelessness crisis common to communities across our region, current council Republicans (led by the Republican candidate for Mayor) tried to pass unconstitutional proposals to jail homeless persons. When this approach was halted on advice from the city’s legal counsel, council didn’t try to find another solution — they pouted and simply gave up working on the problem altogether.

When their donors pushed for special interest legislation about livestock in the city limits, council Republicans jumped right to it spending months crafting legislation that makes it harder for children in our city to participate in 4-H and other agricultural education programming. To date, not a single prosecution has been brought under that legislation that consumed nearly a year of council’s time and energy.

And who can forget the health board fiasco — council Republicans unioning up in multiple party-line votes to deny Dr. John Gabis a seat on the Ross County Health District Board purely to play political games with the mayor.

We need a City Council that can deliver results, not one that leaves our city paralyzed by arrogance and ignorance.

We urge a vote for Democratic Party candidates for Chillicothe City Council and the Mayor of Chillicothe because Democratic Party candidates will steer this city away from arrogance and ignorance, charting a course that our citizens can be proud of once again.

It’s time for strong leaders to take back the reins of Chillicothe City Council this election — anything less is risking our future on the backs of people who have proven to not be up to the task.

Vote for Democratic Party candidates on or before November 7th and bring sanity back to Chillicothe City Council.

Dona Meyer, Ross County Democratic Party ChairpersonRev. Terry Williams, Ross County Democratic Party Vice Chairperson

Shoemaker for city council president

I am writing to urge the voters of Chillicothe to elect Kevin Shoemaker our next City Council President. I have known Kevin Shoemaker and his family for many years. Kevin is a respected attorney. A great family man. His character is irreproachable. Shoemaker really cares about Chillicothe, and he will work for all of us!

Shoemaker will make an excellent City Council president. We need Shoemaker’s professionalism and common sense on City Council. I urge you to join me in voting for Kevin Shoemaker for city council president.Steve NealChillicothe

This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Letters to the Editor
