Letter: Why does every road project around here cost so much?

I just read about the reconstruction of South Alpine Road.

I am totally in awe of the $55.5 million cost and 5 years to complete.

This road certainly needs the asphalt and concrete replaced, but not a complete reconstruction. It doesn't need a bike path and sidewalks, new signal lights, new on and off ramps — just the road replaced.

Why does this city, county and state have to go overboard? And to take 5 years?

They repaved the section from Harrison Avenue to Charles Street in just a few days.

Why does every road project around here cost so much money and take so long?

I am sorry, but I just don't see the cost benefit.

Joseph Crane, Rockford

This article originally appeared on Rockford Register Star: Letter: Why does every road project around here cost so much?
