Letter: Unmasking hypocrisy: A call for transparency and peace in the Middle East

About two-dozen representatives of the organization Savannah for Palestine protest outside the Savannah Civic Center Tuesday ahead of a visit by Vice President Kamala Harris. The group was protesting U.S. support for Israel as Israel carries out its war in Gaza.
About two-dozen representatives of the organization Savannah for Palestine protest outside the Savannah Civic Center Tuesday ahead of a visit by Vice President Kamala Harris. The group was protesting U.S. support for Israel as Israel carries out its war in Gaza.

This letter to the editor is by Savannahian Eric Mastel.

In a world engulfed by conflicts, one recurring motif persists — the masked crusader. Cloaked in anonymity, masked crusaders claim righteousness while concealing their faces, shrouding their true intentions in shadows. Yet, if their cause is just and their beliefs unwavering, why the need for disguise?

This enigma echoes in the ongoing strife between Israel and Palestine, where voices advocating peace often shroud themselves in silence or obscure allegiances. The recent horrors of Oct. 7 serve as a stark reminder of the atrocities perpetuated in the name of righteousness, while the innocent become casualties of a perpetual cycle of violence.

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To those who champion justice and abhor violence, I pose a simple question: why the silence in the face of heinous acts? The annals of history are marred by instances of indifference, where atrocities against humanity were met with apathy or, worse, complicity. From the tragedies of the Holocaust to the present-day conflicts, silence has been the ally of oppression.

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Israel, a nation born from the ashes of persecution, laments the loss of innocent lives while confronting an adversary bent on its annihilation. Yet, amid the chaos, there remains a beacon of hope — a call to shed the masks of hatred and embrace the light of peace.

It is time for the innocent on both sides to rise against the tyranny of terror, to cast out those who deal in death and destruction. The true teachings of faith, be it the Quran, the Torah, or the Bible, espouse peace and compassion, not bloodshed and division. Let us not allow the perversions of a few to tarnish the essence of our shared humanity.

History offers lessons we dare not ignore. The complexities of the Middle East conflict trace back decades, yet the path to peace lies not in retribution but reconciliation. The territorial disputes of Gaza and the West Bank are entwined in a web of historical grievances, but the future beckons a different narrative — one of coexistence and mutual respect.

The yearning for peace is not a utopian dream but a tangible reality within reach. Israel's gestures of goodwill, offering to return Gaza to Egyptian control, underscore a commitment to dialogue and diplomacy. It is incumbent upon all parties to seize this opportunity and pave a path towards a just and lasting peace.

As we unveil the masks of hatred and embrace the visage of humanity, let us heed the words of the Ten Commandments — not as a mere relic of religious doctrine but as a universal code of ethics guiding our actions. For in the end, it is not the masks we wear but the faces we reveal that define our legacy.

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Letter: Unmasking hypocrisy: A call for transparency and peace in the Middle East
