Letter: School transportation staff plays key role among 'villagers' working with students

School transportation staff also plays important role among 'villagers'

As the school year wraps up, the month of May is often celebrated as "Teacher Appreciation Month." Teachers should be celebrated as they are vital for the positive growth of our community, developing the minds of our future leaders.

Yet it is not great teachers alone who help guide young minds and bodies. It indeed takes a village, and among the many villagers is the transportation staff that delivers the future leaders to school, back home and to special events safely, timely, and securely.

Through rain or snow, sleet or hail, these kind-hearted individuals make it their daily duty to do whatever it takes to complete the task. Often there are challenges — such as traffic, construction, vehicle accidents, and the aforementioned inclement weather. And let's not forget: kids will be kids. Yet, through all of this, the Newark City Schools transportation workers keep on smilin', keep on drivin', and keep on keepin' on. "Doing it for the kids," they say.

I am writing because I just don't know if they all truly know how appreciated they are by the community. Teachers absolutely deserve the praise and recognition they receive. Too often in "behind-the-scenes" jobs like transportation, the only feedback those workers often hear are negative comments when a bus is late due to weather or other issues, or about tough and rough situations. I think it would be super if the community would write The Advocate and let the transportation workers know how much they are appreciated.

Crystal Stamper, Newark

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Letter: Newark school transportation workers 'doing it for the kids'
