Letter: Let differing views on religion bring us closer

The last few weeks there have been extreme disagreements over Ald. Durkee’s Easter column.

I hold no religious degrees or government position. I’m just a normal person, the type represented by officials like Ald. Durkee, and I believe that middle ground can and should be found.

Pluralism in the sense of respecting diverse religious beliefs in society is a good and necessary value, particularly when government is concerned. The separation of church and state and the freedom of worship are deeply held American values, enshrined in our constitution.

However, acceptance applies to all, and to dismiss the celebration of Christianity’s most important holiday is problematic at best.

Your turn: Shalom is found in the true message of Easter

Your turn: Faith has many faces. Celebrate pluralism next Easter

An elected official does not sacrifice their personal First Amendment rights. When they act as a government official they have an obligation to represent the diverse religious views of their constituents, but as a private citizen they have the right to express their own views, particularly on religion.

Pluralism doesn’t mean silencing other views, but embracing the sharing of all of them. Pluralism doesn’t mean diluting religious holidays of the meanings their celebrants observe. Pluralism doesn’t mean giving up your own religion.

I may not agree with all the messages of Ald. Durkee’s original column, but I will defend his right to speak them. That is pluralism.

The Rev. Johnson’s messages, while containing truth, were warped by moralistic preaching. Again, I will defend his rights with just the same vigor, but I will point out his hypocrisy.

As the saying goes, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.”

The role of religion in society is continually evolving, but it is my hope that through open discussions like these we as a society can come closer together rather than be pushed farther apart.

Luke Snyder, Rockford

This article originally appeared on Rockford Register Star: Letter: Let differing views on religion bring us closer
