Letter: Christmas Eve cartoon on Trump was vile, biased

Edtoon for 12/24/23
Edtoon for 12/24/23

I’m not declaring allegiance to anyone or any party in writing to you. I don’t think I have ever been more disappointed in your publication than I was when I saw the cartoon that appeared on [Dec. 24, 2023]. It’s not funny. It’s vile on multiple levels, including the poke at gays. In a town like Palm Beach, I expect the newspaper that focuses on the town to be representative of the town. This cartoonist should be ashamed. He is entitled to his opinions, but the paper has a duty to its readers. To see such a clearly prejudiced cartoon in your paper on Christmas Eve is just sad. Personally, I think the paper and cartoonist owe their readers an apology.

KT Catlin, Palm Beach

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Letter takes cartoonist to task for Trump cartoon
