Leap of Kindness day helps others


Feb. 27—Feb. 29 is an extra day this month for Leap Year.

Vermilion Advantage joins Chambers of Commerce across the nation to celebrate Leap of Kindness Day.

Leap of Kindness Day started in 2016 by the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce. The chamber used Leap Day to inspire its members and community to use the extra day that year to do something kind for someone else.

By 2020, the idea had spread, and Leap of Kindness Day was even bigger, with more than 200 chambers in the U.S., Canada and Ireland joining in and organizing their own celebrations. Organizers are hoping for even more participation this year, according to Vermilion Advantage.

Vermilion Advantage decided to join and spread some kindness throughout the county. Vermilion Advantage is participating by reaching out to nonprofits and sharing their needs.

This can range from items such as blankets, coats, and/or toiletries to monetary gifts, gift card and volunteer opportunities.

Find out more from Vermilion Advantage, through its office at Danville city hall, and its website and social media, on how to help.
