Lazy girl workout: 5 exercises you can do lying down

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We all have those days where we don’t feel like getting off the couch. Good news: You can still squeeze in a workout without having to get up.

In honor of National Lazy Day, certified personal trainer and founder of the Daily Thrive app Vicky Justiz shared simple exercises you can perform lying down.

“The point of this workout is that it can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime,” Justiz said during a segment on August 10. "It makes you feel so good in just a few minutes.”

These full-body exercises will tone your arms, glutes, legs and core from the comfort of your couch or bed.

Lying side leg lifts

Muscles worked: “Lying side leg lifts work mainly the gluteus medius, the upper/outer part of the glutes, and the gluteus minimus, which is the smallest muscle of your glutes. As well as targeting the hip abductors,” says Justiz. “All of these muscles work together to stabilize the hips, and they are a great way to strengthen your muscles in this area especially for people that have mobility restrictions, or have a hard time doing exercises standing up.”

How to perform: Lie down on one side with legs straight out and feet stacked on top of each other. Prop your torso up with your forearm and bend the bottom leg slightly. Raise your top leg toward the ceiling in a slow and controlled movement, just high enough to feel your glutes activate. Lower it back down. Everyone’s anatomy and body is different so you may have to play around with the positioning until you feel it in your glutes, says Justiz. Perform 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions. For a more advanced exercise, do them with a resistance band or do them standing up.

Clam shells

Muscles worked: This exercise works the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. “These glute muscles are in charge of stabilizing your hips, and they also contribute to power and balance. Building the strength in these muscle groups helps to protect the lower back and your knees,” says Justiz. “A lot of injuries stem from weak hips, and a lot of times knee pain can actually stem from the hips, so doing this hip-strengthening exercise is great, especially for people that spend a lot of time sitting down.”

How to perform: Lie down on your left side with your left forearm resting on the floor or couch. Bend both of your knees in front of you. With your feet glued together, keep the bottom leg on the floor while lifting the top into the air, opening your hips. Focus on doing them slowly to properly target the gluteus medius. Start with 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side. For an added challenge, raise your bottom leg off the floor or add a resistance band.

Arm pulses

Muscles worked: This exercise works the shoulders and upper arms (biceps and triceps) and is also a dynamic stretch. It’s “great for shoulder mobility. Going forward and back also helps stretch the chest and upper back,” said Justiz.

How to perform: Sit tall with your core engaged. Hold your arms straight out to your sides at shoulder height. Pulse both arms up and down a few inches, then pulse them forward and back. Perform 2 sets of 15-20 reps. For an added challenge, hold light weights, wrist weights or even water bottles as you do this. “Keep your core and rest of the body as stable as possible, so you use the muscle versus the momentum of your body,” said Justiz. “No need for huge movements; small movements make a big impact here.”

Robo Arms

Muscles worked: This move strengthens and tones the shoulders. It’s “great for internal and external shoulder rotation mobility. It also works your scapula and helps improve posture,” said Justiz.

How to perform: Sit tall with your core engaged. Hold your arms straight out to your sides at shoulder height. Bend the elbows at 90 degrees into a goal-post position, with your fingertips pointing up toward the ceiling and your palms facing forward. (Make sure the elbows and wrists are lined up with the shoulders at 90 degrees.) Then, keeping the upper arms still, lower the palms toward the ground stopping when your hands are parallel with the floor. Do 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions. To make it easier, you can do one arm at a time to really focus on doing it correctly and slowly. You can also stop at shoulder level if your mobility or flexibility is limited, Justiz suggested.

Seated marches

Muscles worked: This works your core, especially the lower abs. “Strengthening your core is very important for spine stabilization and balance, which reduces your chances of injury or falling,” said Justiz. “It helps improve lower back pain and improves your posture.”

How to perform: Sitting down, lean back until you feel your abs engage. Keeping both knees bent at 90 degrees, slowly raise your right leg off the ground. Return the right foot to the ground before bringing the left leg off the ground. Exhale as you bring your knee up; inhale as you’re coming down. (Your breath is very important; exhale during the hard part and inhale during the easy part.) Keep your tailbone tucked in to protect your lower back and prevent it from arching, said Justiz. "If this is too difficult, you can simply lean back, and come back to center," she added. You can also use a pillow behind the lower back for support. Perform 2 sets of 15-20 reps.

This article was originally published on
