Lawn sculptures? Ornately-trimmed hedges? Abundant flora? Tell us about the best front yards in Columbia

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I just can’t help but covet. Mortal sin or no, I am an envious person. This is particularly evident when it comes to other people’s landscaping.

Native plants instead of grass? Chef’s kiss. Potted plants covering every inch of a wraparound porch? Swoon. Pristine hedges and whimsical yard sculptures? Please invite me in for coffee.

I know I am not alone in my envy for other people’s property. Don’t deny it, there’s a house on your block with a yard you’re jealous of. I want to know where it is.

Maybe, like me, you’re a sucker for full flowerbeds and lawn gnomes. In Columbia, there’s no shortage of beautifully manicured yards to ogle. I think that’s something to celebrate. But I need your help, dear reader.

Respond to this survey by Sept. 29 and tell me where your favorite front yard is in Columbia. What houses do you pause in front of and say, “Wow, that’s a nice yard.”

Or maybe you’re not like me at all, and instead of lusting after someone else’s yard, you’ve put the work in to make your own lawn sing. I want to know that, too.

Help us feature some of the best yards in Columbia. From Shandon to Rosewood to Olympia to Greenview to Earlewood and beyond. Fill out our survey below.
