Lauren Boebert reveals she will be grandmother at 36 after 17-year-old son’s partner to give birth

Republican representative Lauren Boebert said she was excited to welcome her “brand new grandson” in April, making her a grandmother at 36.

The Colorado Congresswoman broke the news at a Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Women’s Breakfast event in Maryland.

"I’m going to tell you all for the first time in a public setting, that not only am I a mom of four boys, but come April, I will be a (grandmother) to a brand-new grandson,” she announced.

She added that she and her husband Jayson “are so excited to welcome this new life into our family” as she described how she responded to the news of her son becoming a father.

"Now, any of you who have young children who are giving life, there are some questions that pop, there’s some fear that arises," she said.

"Now my son, when I approached him and told him, ‘Tyler, I’m going to be a 36-year-old grandmother,’ he said, ‘Well, didn’t you make granny a 36-year-old granny?’

"I said yes, I did," she said, recalling, "He said, ‘Well then, It’s hereditary."

The right-wing representative, who was nearly upset in her bid for re-election in November and actively spoke out against abortion laws in the US, said her biggest fear was whether Tyler’s partner "would choose life”.

"And they did," she said. "And we are so proud of them."

She went on to praise values of “rural conservative communities”, suggesting they have a higher rate of teen mothers as compared to women in cities.

“There’s something special about rural conservative communities,” Ms Boebert said. “They value life.”

“Teen moms’ rates are higher in rural conservative areas because they understand the preciousness of a life that it’s about to be born,” she added.

Last year, Ms Boebert has come under fire for criticising companies that offered to help cover employees’ travel costs for abortion procedures.

“Anyone else consider that these companies suddenly offering to pay for employee abortions are doing so just to avoid paying maternity leave?” she tweeted.

“Cheaper to kill the baby … true evil personified,” she has said.

In response to the leaked draft opinion which indicated the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v Wade, a number of executives in the boardrooms of major American companies had issued statements that expressed their commitment to offer new benefits or funds to address the reversal of the landmark legislation.

Ms Boebert was herself a teen mom who dropped out of high school in her senior year after her pregnancy. She previously said she did not have a typical education course and eventually got her GED before she was elected to Congress in 2020.
