Landmark assisted dying debate continues in Jersey

A woman walking a dog on a beach at sunset
The States Assembly is continuing its debate on how an assisted dying law would work [PA Media]

Jersey's States Assembly is continuing to debate how an assisted dying law would work in the island.

The proposals outline two routes through which people who have lived in Jersey for longer than a year, are 18 or over and have decision-making capacity, could apply for assisted dying.

Route one is for people with terminal illness that is causing unbearable suffering.

The second is for those who are not terminally ill but who have an "incurable physical medical condition that is causing unbearable suffering".

'Very important decision'

Plans for legalising assisted dying was voted on in principle by the assembly in 2021 but this week politicians are due to vote on plans of how it could work in practice.

If the plans are approved, a draft law would be brought to the States Assembly next year.

The proposals were brought to the assembly by Health Minister Tom Binet, who said the assembly “was making a very important decision for our island”.

On Tuesday, Deputy Binet spoke for more than 40 minutes and said the “momentum of change had never been stronger.”

He described the assisted dying proposals as the “most comprehensive in the British Isles to date” and emphasised that they had “excellent safeguards”.

Deputy Steve Ahier said he thought the proposition "could be an exemplar for other parts of the British Isles to follow”.

Deputy Malcolm Ferry said he supported route one and felt route two was something he did not want to see, as it “normalises us giving up on people and people giving up on themselves”.

However, Deputy Barbara Ward, who worked as a nurse for 45 years, spoke against the proposals, saying it should be called “an assisted suicide bill” and that it went against her belief system.

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