Kylie Jenner Reveals She Got Breast Implants Right Before Having Her Daughter Stormi

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Kylie Jenner Opens Up About Breast ImplantsMarc Piasecki - Getty Images

Kylie Jenner opened up about getting breast implants during the season finale of The Kardashians, saying she had the procedure shortly before having her daughter, Stormi.

"You know I got my breasts done before Stormi," Kylie reportedly told her friend Stassie, adding "within six months of having Stormi—not thinking I would have a child when I was 20—like, they were still healing."

She added, "I had beautiful breasts, like natural tits. Just gorgeous, perfect size, perfect everything. And I just wish, obviously, I never got them done to begin with. I would recommend anyone who is thinking about it to wait until after children."

Kylie also noted that, "Obviously I have a daughter. I would be heartbroken if she wanted to get her body done at 19. And she's the most beautiful thing ever. I want to be the best mom and best example for her. And I just wish I could, like, be her and do it all differently, because I wouldn't touch anything."

Fans have spent years asking Kylie if she's had implants, and she's denied it in the past in comments seemingly made before she actually had the procedure.

Obviously, it's not anyone's business what Kylie does with her body and these kinds of questions from fans are invasive to say the least! That said, love that Kylie is opening up as part of her commitment to be more aware of her family's impact on societal beauty standards. As she put it on the show, "I've always loved myself, I still love myself. I'll always want everyone to love themselves."

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