GO in the Know: Gas Prices Hurting Hourly Workers & Top Financial New for June 29

seb_ra / iStock.com
seb_ra / iStock.com

Today is known as a “hug holiday,” not to be confused with National Hugging Day, which lands in January. So, give someone you love a hug today, and then check out these top financial stories.

The Big Lead: 81% of Hourly Workers Say Gas Prices Affecting Ability To Pay Other Expenses

Record high inflation and soaring gas prices are taking a toll across the nation. A new survey shows that American hourly workers are bearing the brunt of these challenges, with a staggering 81% reporting that record prices at the gas pump have had a negative effect on their ability to pay other expenses.

Read the full story here

Business Spotlight: Bed Bath & Beyond

Bed Bath & Beyond announced its CEO, Mark Tritton, is stepping down. The news came following missed earnings and in an effort to focus “on reversing recent results, addressing supply chain and inventory, and strengthening its balance sheet,” the company said in a press release.

Read the full story here

Well That’s Interesting: Social Security and Food Insecurity

According to a new study, for first time recipients, receiving Social Security benefits reduced the chance of food insecurity by 54%. Beyond the receipt of initial benefits, an increase of 10% in payments lowered the likelihood of being food insecure by more than half a percentage point, the study found.

Read the full story here

Bonus: Travel Tips for Independence Day Weekend

AAA estimates that 42 million Americans will take a road trip of 50 miles or more this July 4. If that happens, it will set a new record for people (and cars) on the road. If you plan on motoring over the holiday weekend, there are ways to reduce your gasoline bill.

Read the full story here

ICYMI: Yesterday’s GO in the Know

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: GO in the Know: Gas Prices Hurting Hourly Workers & Top Financial New for June 29
