There’s A New King Kong Game And It Looks Terrible

Skull Island Rise of Kong baby gorilla

You might not have known it, given how low-key the marketing campaign was, but there’s a new King Kong game out today. It’s called Skull Island: Rise of Kong, and it’s based on Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland’s King Kong of Skull Island franchise. It also seems to be terrible.

Skull Island: Rise of Kong was developed by Chilean game developer Iguanabee, and published by GameMill Entertainment. If that publisher sounds familiar, that’s because we’ve reported on its games in the past — it was the publisher behind the new (and pretty bad) Avatar game, The Last Airbender: Quest for Balance.

GameMill’s marketing for Rise of Kong has been almost nonexistent, with the game completely absent from the publisher’s website and its Twitter page. Artwork for the game does make a small appearance on GameMill’s Twitter banner, but other than that, it may as well not exist.

There’s probably a good reason for that, though — it seems to be awful. Twitter user and content creator RickDaSquirrel tweeted out a series of clips from the game, and not only does it look pretty bad, it seems to be filled with technical issues. In one cutscene, the game seems to cut away to a completely still image of the boss that Kong is about to fight, and it all looks very amateurish.

Rick encourages people not to buy Skull Island: Rise of Kong, calling it a “complete scam” and jokingly saying the game is “game of the year material.”

Skull Island: Rise of Kong is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC from today. It’ll set you back $39.99 if, for whatever reason, you want to check it out, or $49.99 for the digital deluxe edition.
