King Charles III addresses nation for first time following death of Queen Elizabeth

In his first-ever address to the citizens of Britain as their sovereign, the newly acceded King Charles III opened up Friday about the “profound sorrow” he’s feeling over the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, and how he will use her life and reign as a model for his own.

“Throughout her life, Her Majesty The Queen — my beloved Mother — was an inspiration and example to me and to all my family, and we owe her the most heartfelt debt any family can owe to their mother, for her love, affection, guidance, understanding and example,” he said in pretaped televised address.

“Queen Elizabeth was a life well lived, a promise with destiny kept and she is mourned most deeply in her passing. That promise of lifelong service I renew to you all today.”

The new monarch went on to recall the first time his mother made such a promise to her people.

Britain's King Charles III, left, and Camilla, the Queen Consort, look at floral tributes left outside Buckingham Palace following Thursday's death of Queen Elizabeth II, in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022.
Britain's King Charles III, left, and Camilla, the Queen Consort, look at floral tributes left outside Buckingham Palace following Thursday's death of Queen Elizabeth II, in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022.

Britain's King Charles III, left, and Camilla, the Queen Consort, look at floral tributes left outside Buckingham Palace following Thursday's death of Queen Elizabeth II, in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022. (Yui Mok/)

“In 1947, on her 21st birthday, she pledged in a broadcast from Cape Town to the Commonwealth to devote her life, whether it be short or long, to the service of her peoples,” he said. “That was more than a promise, it was a profound personal commitment which defined her whole life. She made sacrifices for duty.”

Charles also used the address to formally name his eldest son William and William’s wife Kate the Prince and Princess of Wales. Prince of Wales is the title given to the heir to the throne. Charles held it for longer than anyone in history.

The new king even extended a small olive branch to his younger son Prince Harry and Harry’s wife Meghan Markle, saying, “I want also to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas.”

Britain's King Charles III, back to camera, greets well-wishers as he walks by the gates of Buckingham Palace following Thursday's death of Queen Elizabeth II, in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022.
Britain's King Charles III, back to camera, greets well-wishers as he walks by the gates of Buckingham Palace following Thursday's death of Queen Elizabeth II, in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022.

Britain's King Charles III, back to camera, greets well-wishers as he walks by the gates of Buckingham Palace following Thursday's death of Queen Elizabeth II, in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022. (Yui Mok/)

Meghan and Harry’s children, Archie and Lilibet, are supposed to become Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet following the queen’s death. Meghan previously said she was skeptical it would actually happen. Charles did not address the topic in his speech.

Friday also marked the start of a 10-day mourning period for Elizabeth.

King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort, arrive at Buckingham Palace in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022.
King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort, arrive at Buckingham Palace in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022.

King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort, arrive at Buckingham Palace in London, Friday, Sept. 9, 2022. (Kirsty Wigglesworth/)

After spending Thursday night in the family’s Scottish castle, Balmoral, where the queen spent her final days, the newly acceded king returned to London with his wife and queen consort, Camilla.

The couple were photographed greeting citizens and comforting mourners outside of Buckingham Palace shortly after their arrival. Hundreds of people passed by the gates to reflect or to leave behind gifts. Some held up flowers while others shouted “God save the King” as they milled about the gardens outside the royal residence.

Elsewhere in Britain, bells at St Paul’s, Westminster Abbey and Windsor Castle tolled in honor of the late queen. Around 1 p.m. local time, a thunderous 96-gun salute rang out in Hyde Park — one for each year of Elizabeth’s long life.

At age 73, Charles is the oldest monarch to ever take the British throne. He has been preparing for the job for most of his life, starting with an apprenticeship in his childhood. His ascension to king also marks a sort of modernization of the British monarchy — Charles was the first heir not educated at home, the first to earn a university degree and the first to grow up in an era where the formerly favorable media cast a harsh spotlight on the ruling family.

Britain's Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, kneeling, places his hands between those of Queen Elizabeth II, his wife, as he swears homage, during the Coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey, June 2, 1953.
Britain's Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, kneeling, places his hands between those of Queen Elizabeth II, his wife, as he swears homage, during the Coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey, June 2, 1953.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, left, hidden by clergy and Peers, on the Throne of England after her Coronation in Westminster Abbey, June 2, 1953. In front of crimson chairs, right, are from left to right, Duke of Edinbugh, Duke of Gloucester and Duke of Kent. Top centre below banners are Queen Mother, Princess Margaret and Prince Charles.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, left, hidden by clergy and Peers, on the Throne of England after her Coronation in Westminster Abbey, June 2, 1953. In front of crimson chairs, right, are from left to right, Duke of Edinbugh, Duke of Gloucester and Duke of Kent. Top centre below banners are Queen Mother, Princess Margaret and Prince Charles.
Queen Elizabeth II, wearing her crown, center foreground, leads the procession through Westminster Abbey's nave after her coronation in London, England, June 2, 1953.
Queen Elizabeth II, wearing her crown, center foreground, leads the procession through Westminster Abbey's nave after her coronation in London, England, June 2, 1953.
Queen Elizabeth II, dressed in the magnificent robe of cloth of gold, receives the sceptre with cross, the ensign of kingly power and justice, from the Archbishop of Canterbury, June 20, 1953.
Queen Elizabeth II, dressed in the magnificent robe of cloth of gold, receives the sceptre with cross, the ensign of kingly power and justice, from the Archbishop of Canterbury, June 20, 1953.
The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the ritual crown of England, the crown of St. Edward, over the head of Queen Elizabeth II, prior to the actual crowning at the coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey, London on June 2, 1953. The Queen, seated on King Edward's Chair, is hidden by the Archbishop's robes.
The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the ritual crown of England, the crown of St. Edward, over the head of Queen Elizabeth II, prior to the actual crowning at the coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey, London on June 2, 1953. The Queen, seated on King Edward's Chair, is hidden by the Archbishop's robes.
In a traditional ceremony, Britain crowned a new Queen, the Empire's first reigning woman since Queen Victoria. Elizabeth II wore the bejeweled Imperial Crown and carried the Orb, in left hand, and Scepter with Cross as she left Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953, at the end of the Coronation Ceremony.
In a traditional ceremony, Britain crowned a new Queen, the Empire's first reigning woman since Queen Victoria. Elizabeth II wore the bejeweled Imperial Crown and carried the Orb, in left hand, and Scepter with Cross as she left Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953, at the end of the Coronation Ceremony.
Members of the Ceylon contingent march through Picadilly Circus, London, during the processions following the coronation of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, June. 2, 1953.
Members of the Ceylon contingent march through Picadilly Circus, London, during the processions following the coronation of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, June. 2, 1953.
The Golden Coach, with the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II inside, passes through Trafalgar Square, London, June 2, 1953, on the processional drive following the Coronation of the Queen in Westminster Abbey.
The Golden Coach, with the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II inside, passes through Trafalgar Square, London, June 2, 1953, on the processional drive following the Coronation of the Queen in Westminster Abbey.
Part of the parade of Commonwealth troops pass under Marble Arch, London, June 2, 1953, on the processional drive from Westminster Abbey, following the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
Part of the parade of Commonwealth troops pass under Marble Arch, London, June 2, 1953, on the processional drive from Westminster Abbey, following the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
The Gold State Coach, carrying Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, leaves Hyde Park en route to Buckingham Palace following the Queen's coronation at Westminster Abbey. London, June. 2, 1953.
The Gold State Coach, carrying Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, leaves Hyde Park en route to Buckingham Palace following the Queen's coronation at Westminster Abbey. London, June. 2, 1953.
The Queen's train is lifted by footman as she leaves Buckingham Palace, to enter the state coach to drive to Westminster Abbey, London, for the coronation this morning June 2, 1953, for Elizabeth to become Queen Elizabeth II.
The Queen's train is lifted by footman as she leaves Buckingham Palace, to enter the state coach to drive to Westminster Abbey, London, for the coronation this morning June 2, 1953, for Elizabeth to become Queen Elizabeth II.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II waves from the balcony of Buckingham Palace, following her Coronation at Westminster Abbey, June 2, 1953. Also waving are the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and Princess Anne. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother is seen far right.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II waves from the balcony of Buckingham Palace, following her Coronation at Westminster Abbey, June 2, 1953. Also waving are the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and Princess Anne. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother is seen far right.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, gather with other members of the British royal family to greet supporters from the balcony at Buckingham Palace, following her coronation at Westminster Abbey. London, June. 2, 1953.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, gather with other members of the British royal family to greet supporters from the balcony at Buckingham Palace, following her coronation at Westminster Abbey. London, June. 2, 1953.
With her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II are her family and other members of the Royal family. From  left to right are front row: Prince Michael of Kent and his mother the Duchess of Kent (behind her is her elder son, the Duke of Kent; Princess Martha of Norway; Princess Margaret (sister of the Queen); Queen Elizabeth; the Duke of Edinburgh; Queen Elizabeth the Queen mother; the Princess Royal (Aunt of the Queen); the Duchess of Gloucester, and Princess Alice, countess of Athlone (great-aunt of the Queen).    Between the Queen Mother and the Princess Royal can be seen the Duke of Gloucester.   In front of the Duchess of Gloucester are her two sons, Prince Richard (left) and Prince William.  In front of the Queen are her two children, Prince Charles and princess Anne.  The Queen wears the imperial state crown and her coronation robes.  The Queen and her family gathered at Buckingham Palace for this Coronation portrait on June 2, 1953.

With decades of preparation under his belt, Charles immediately dove into his royal duties just a day after his mother died. Legally, he became king the exact moment of the queen’s death, making him head of state for the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a dozen other countries. He is also head of the Church of England, the military and the judiciary, and holds a host of other royal titles and duties.

One of his first tasks was meeting with the new U.K. prime minister, Liz Truss, on Friday.

“It’s the moment I’ve been dreading, as I know a lot of people have,” he told Truss. “But you try and keep everything going.”

No date has yet been set for Charles’ coronation.

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