King Charles III Joined by Daniel Craig, Judi Dench to Read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'

Gather 'round the kiddos. King Charles III is reciting a popular holiday poem just in time for Christmas, and he's recruited some famous celebs to help him along the way!

The Royal Family's verified Instagram account on Saturday morning posted a sweet video in which the monarch stands in front of a lit Christmas tree and prepares to read "'Twas The Night Before Christmas." Camilla, Queen Consort joined in on the fun, as did some other very familiar faces, including Daniel Craig, Tom Hardy, Judi Dench and Maggie Smith.

The effort's to raise awareness for the Actor's Benevolent Fund, a UK-based charity founded in 1882 that supports actors and stage managers who are unable to work due to illness, injury or old age and those experiencing financial hardship.

Charles became the charity's Royal Patron in 2000 after taking over for Queen Elizabeth, who held the role for 47 years.

The sweet recitation comes just days after Buckingham Palace announced that the monarch's first Trooping of the Colour will take place June 17, 2023.

Charles' birthday parade will feature "over 1,400 parading soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians." The parade will move from Buckingham Palace and down the Mall to Horse Guard's Parade, alongside members of the royal family on horseback and in carriages. The soiree will close with a Royal Air Force flyover, witnessed by the royal family from a Buckingham Palace balcony.


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