King Charles III Issues Rare Statement of Solidarity for Ukraine on One-Year Anniversary of Russia's Invasion

King Charles III is continuing to show his support for Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The 74-year-old British monarch shared a message marking the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

"It has now been a year that the people of Ukraine have suffered unimaginably from an unprovoked full-scale attack on their nation," he wrote. "They have shown truly remarkable courage and resilience in the face of such human tragedy."

Charles added that "the world has watched in horror" as the Ukrainian people have endured "unnecessary suffering."

He also touched on his in-person meeting with President Zelenskyy earlier this month at Buckingham Palace.

"It is heartening that the United Kingdom, along with its allies, is doing everything possible to help at this most difficult time," Charles continued. "Therefore, I can only hope the outpouring of solidarity from across the globe may bring not only practical aid, but also strength from the knowledge that, together, we stand united."

King Charles III and President Zelenskyy
Aaron Chown - Pool/Getty Images

Prince William and Kate Middleton's official account retweeted the sentiment with a Ukrainian flag emoji.

Though the British royal family historically chooses to remain neutral politically, they have publicly spoken out in support of Ukraine and President Zelenskyy.

In March 2022, President Zelenskyy thanked William and Kate for their support.

"Olena and I are grateful to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge @RoyalFamily that at this crucial time, when Ukraine is courageously opposing Russia's invasion, they stand by our country and support our brave citizens.  Good will triumph," Zelenskyy tweeted at the time.

Charles also vocalized his support for the Ukrainian people, saying in a speech at the time, "We are in solidarity with all those who are resisting brutal aggression."


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