Kidnapping investigation of sex offender leads to rescue of 3 teens, New York cops say

Three teenagers were rescued after a convicted sex offender was under investigation for taking one of them — a 14-year-old boy — away from his home for two days, authorities in New York say.

The kidnapping investigation identified a man who had previously served years in prison in connection with sexually assaulting another 14-year-old boy, according to the Village of Bath Police Department.

Anthony Kroeger, 62, of Bath, will be charged with second-degree kidnapping after he was arrested more than 300 miles away from his home on Oct. 6, a news release says. He had recently finished parole following his prison sentence.

Legal representation for Kroeger was not specified in the release, and it is unclear whether he has an attorney.

Parents of the 14-year-old, who Kroeger is accused of kidnapping, told investigators that the man is a stranger to them and that Kroeger took their son without consent, according to police.

When Kroeger was found in Washington D.C. with the 14-year-old, two other teenagers were with him — both 17-year-old students from Bath, authorities say.

“The children are safe in the hands of local child protective services until parents come to get them,” the release states.

Now Kroeger, who is a registered level 3 sex offender, will be extradited to New York, according to police.

No further information about the investigation was released.

Bath is about 100 miles southeast of Buffalo.

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