Kevin Spacey Met With Standing Ovation in First Stage Appearance Since Trial

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey earned a standing ovation for his performance related to cancel culture at Oxford University earlier this week.

On Monday, the 64-year-old appeared at the prestigious university for what's believed to be his first stage appearance since being acquitted of nine counts of sexual offense charges in his highly publicized London trial.

During the Oct. 16 lecture, Spacey delivered a short scene from William Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens in an attempt to draw comparisons between the English playwright and poet's works and how those lessons relate to cancel culture.

His performance, which was prompted by cue cards, lasted only about five minutes, but after he wrapped, Spacey was met with a nearly one-minute-long standing ovation from the crowd of onlookers.

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The event was moderated by writer and free speech advocate Douglas Murray, in memory of of philosopher Sir Roger Scruton, and according to British journalist Emma Webb, who attended the lecture, Spacey gave a "phenomenal performance."

The appearance also came roughly two weeks after the House of Cards alum was rushed to the hospital after he began exhibiting symptoms of a heart attack.

As Parade previously reported, Spacey was in Uzbekistan for the 15th Tashkent International Film Festival on Monday, Oct. 2, and while he was touring the Afrasiyab Museum, his left arm went numb, leading him to seek help at a clinic in the city of Samarkand, where he underwent several tests, including an MRI.

"Everything turned out to be completely normal," he said at the time, noting, "and I'm grateful it's not anything more serious."

Next: Jamie Foxx Fans Call Out Jennifer Aniston Over 'Cancel Culture' Comments
