Kennewick Council should not allow personal fireworks next year, and other Herald letters

America should not settle for lies

Regarding the comment by Rep. Kinzinger (R) Ill. “There is violence in the future. Until we get a grip on telling people the truth, we can’t expect any differently.”America seems to have crossed a new threshold regarding the truth. Truth can be backed up with facts. If you don’t believe a ball bounces, take it out and drop it on the ground and witness the results.

Right now, truth seems to be mired in “what you WANT to hear.” If what is being reported is factual, yet is “unpleasant”, or opposed to what one WANTS to hear, it is suddenly being reputed, or worse, labeled as “fake.”

America should NOT expect violence as a logical answer to unpleasant truths. Americans should NOT settle for lies when they are exposed. What is required is understanding facts are facts and we need IDEAS, not finger pointing, “branding” or name calling. IDEAS carry a chance to institute the necessary changes that can move us forward. Dismissing facts, which, may line up, against what one desires to hear doesn’t, actually, dismiss a fact.

Ron Buckland, Pasco

Fire city council, keep fireworks ban

Kennewick Fire Chief Chad Michael is concerned the city fireworks ban is ignored and personal fireworks use is “out of control.” Chief Michael wanted a steep civil fine to serve as a deterrent.

Instead, the City Council votes to eliminate the ban? Several council members said, “Fireworks are an integral part of traditional celebrations of the nation’s independence.” According to who? The people who sell fireworks? 2021 resulted in Kennewick Fire answering 243 complaints of illegal fireworks from July 3-5. It makes no difference where the fireworks are purchased; as our dear friend from Indiana often says, “You can’t fix stupid.”

There aren’t enough KPD officers now to respond to illegal fireworks complaints. How long did it take Kennewick Fire to respond to the 2018 Zintel Canyon wildfire before homes burned to the ground and animals were killed? Forever. I’ve been through two Zintel Canyon wildfires since 2014; it’s a terrifying experience. Those five members of the council who approved the new fireworks ordinance: Beauchamp, Torelli, Millbauer, Anderson and McKay: Have you completely lost your minds? You’re fired. It’s time to elect a new Kennewick City Council.

Linda Parish, Kennewick

Columnist limits her indignation

This is regarding Kathleen Parker’s article of June 19 regarding the wave of violence over Roe vs.Wade and the possible threat to Supreme Court Justice Cavanaugh. Such indignation. Where is your concern for Brad Rathensburger, Georgia’s secretary of state, who was harassed, threatened with death and disgusting sexual attacks against his wife and daughter-in-law; and Rusty Bowers, Arizona House speaker, after refusing to break the law for the former POTUS, also was harassed, as was his family with death threats and pedophilia rumors.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Republican congressman from Illinois, again harassed with death threats against his family and his child. Don’t forget Gov. (Gretchen) Whitmer of Michigan, who was almost kidnapped and hanged for her stance on face masks. The coup de grace is Andrea Shea Moss and Ruby Freeman, election workers in Georgia, who were targeted by the former POTUS for the big lie of tampering with votes. What these women went through is disgusting. Both have quit their jobs, which they loved, and live in fear for their lives. They aren’t lucky enough to have security like the elected officials do. There are many, many others who don’t make the news.

Where is your indignation for these people, Ms. Parker?

Amy Belanger, Pasco
