Kendall Jenner on Being the Only Childfree Kardashian-Jenner and Going Through a ‘Tough’ Period

Kendall Jenner opened up to Vogue about going through a rough period where she has been coping with “personal-life-journey stuff.” She also addressed her views on starting a family someday and why she isn’t all that concerned about being the only Kardashian-Jenner to not have a child at 28.

She commented on being more isolated from the rest of her immediate family, as she has a house in the city and doesn’t live walking distance from her mom, Kris Jenner, like her sisters. “There are days when I look at what they have and think, That’s really special,” she said. “I do like being a little bit removed, but one day I’ll make my way, probably. When I was young, I used to say that by 27, I’d love to have kids. Now I’m past that, and I feel like I’m still so young. I’m enjoying my kidless freedom.”

As for her general mental health, Jenner explained this has been a hard time for her. “I don’t see why I shouldn’t be honest about it,” she began. “In my career right now, I feel really stable, really hopeful. But I’ve had a tough two months. I haven’t been myself, and my friends see it. I’m more sad than usual. I’m way more anxious than usual. So I’m not going to sit here and act like everything’s perfect. That’s life—I’m always going to be in and out of those feelings. In past interviews, when someone’s asked me about my mental state, it’s always been, ‘I’m great right now, but this is what I’ve dealt with.’ Well, right now I’m actually in it.”

Jenner explained part of it stems from the fact that “I’m a stresser and a control freak by nature. I’ll thank my mom for that one. This is also kind of a transitional period for me. I’m 28 now, and I think I’m in my Saturn return.” Jenner has been working through her issues, and Vogue revealed it has been two years since she has had a panic attack, thanks to “deep breathing, distraction, meditation, journaling, weekly psychotherapy, [and] periodic consultations with a spiritual healer,” the outlet wrote.

Jenner sees light at the end of this dark tunnel, too. She said, “I’m so tired emotionally, but I think it’s good. It’s almost like I’m purging something for my 30s. That’s my theory.”

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