If Kansans really believe in choice, they should simply choose not to get pregnant

Rogelio V. Solis/Associated Press file photo

The wrong choice

Putting the recent Kansas constitutional amendment vote into perspective, we need to ask: Is it possible to be both “pro-life” and “pro-choice”? Absolutely. How can that be? Simple. You have to understand the true meaning of the word “choice.”

Choice, by definition, is the selection of a course of action from available alternatives. The abortion choice does not take effect once pregnancy begins. The choice is made by the woman when she decides to participate in procreative activity with her male partner.

Yes, the woman and her partner are jointly responsible for the choice of their togetherness. This is the normal family situation in a proper heterosexual marriage. In an immoral, just-for-fun or just-for-pay situation, the choice carries other responsibilities, with rape and incest being exceptions. This dodging of responsibility is the flaw in the mainstream pro-choice dialogue, bolstered by deceptive misinformation from the abortion rights side.

Contraception and abstinence are also choices.

The pro-abortion rights crowd has been clouding the issue for too long, trying to make us believe their “choice” is the only choice. They’re still attempting to convince us that free speech means free sex, consequences be damned. It’s time to stop lying about “choice.”

- R.J. Rom, Butler

Don’t go it alone

I wholeheartedly agree with The Star Editorial Board regarding Mayor Quinton Lucas’ proposal to bypass the public and the City Council in awarding development incentives. (Aug. 15, 5A, “Don’t bypass public and City Council on incentives”) We should not be giving control of that much tax money to someone who is appointed by the mayor. That sounds like trouble to me. You create an environment that could breed corruption and political favors.

Fix the incentives process that exists, but keep the checks and balances of the people and elected officials.

- Collin McCarthy, Kansas City

Back here in reality

In response to an Aug. 14 letter to the editor (19A) boasting about Donald Trump’s appeal to his fans, I respond: “Hogwash.”

The MAGA crowd never provides solid evidence of Trump’s love of country or his having achieved actual results for the “little guy.” What did he accomplish? Tax breaks for the rich. Corruption was rampant during his administration. How many cabinet members and other members of his administration abused power or were caught grifting? I’ve lost count. All we got from Trump is bluff and bluster. We know what he is: a cheater who didn’t pay his employees or taxes and stole from people via Trump University.

“Where’s Joe Biden?” the letter asked. Let me remind the author: He’s in the White House. He won a free and fair election. He is passing climate policy, taxing the wealthiest corporations, supporting families and helping to reduce pharmaceutical prices. He is tracking down 9/11 killers and expanding NATO. He is trying to bring down prices, which are still reeling after COVID-19.

Biden is doing good things for our country and our world. He could do so much more for the “little guy” if Democrats keep the House and gain seats in the Senate. That’s where Joe Biden is: making America greater than ever.

- Joda Totten, Lawrence

To the rescue

True conservative Republicans can help save America. Here’s how: In 2022 and 2024, vote for Republican candidates who don’t enable Donald Trump. If you don’t have one, vote for a Democrat or independent. I know this will be hard for you, but it will save America. We need to weed out these communist-loving, Constitution-hating despisers of the rule of law.

It is your chance to say, “We will not support Trump or the Republican members of the House and Senate who have enabled all the lying and law-breaking, and the dismantling of our institutions and our very democracy.”

I will make one promise to you: Democrats will not pass any laws that restrict voting. We want everyone willing and able to vote. And what this means is that if, in 2026, you don’t like the Democrats’ policies, you can go back to conservative Republicans — if you can find one.

One more thing: I recommend you keep your votes private. Don’t talk about them with anyone. I don’t want you to be attacked verbally or physically by Trump supporters, and you know they will if they find out.

For whatever reason, Trumpicans are enamored with one ruler forever, no public voting and no laws applicable to government officials. Is this your America?

- Bill Moran, Platte City
