Kaley Cuoco Mourns Death of Tom Pelphrey's Dog: 'An Honor to Be Your Second Favorite Human'

Kaley Cuoco and Tom Pelphrey are saying goodbye to another four-legged family member.

On Wednesday, Cuoco shared that she and Pelphrey's dog, Blue, has died.

"💙 BLUE💙 I have cried harder over the loss of this gorgeous creature than I have in a long time. We have had to put down three dogs in the last year and this one has made me reflect …I’m crying for @tommypelphrey …. The relationship he had with Blue was so special. They were quite the duo. Traveling the country as a team… job to job then driving home to California where we all settled as a family together!" the 38-year-old actress wrote.

"Honestly my first year with Blue was rough to say the least. He didn’t love me the way he loved Tom. I had never experienced this before. All dogs love me! I could tell he was wondering why I was still here? lol Tom was his, and he didn’t want to share. Then I finally understood because I felt the same way about Tom. My love is so deep for him sometimes I didn’t want to share him with the world either. After some time Blue finally realized we were a family and we were all sticking together. Something changed. He was amazing. Protective of me and the rest of our pup crew, always on guard. I felt so safe home alone with him and when anyone came to the door I would put Blue on the leash and have him sit right next to me. No one dared mess with us!" she added.

Cuoco's message came with a photo dump filled with pictures of Blue, who was a German Shepard, with her and Pelphrey, and in solo shots looking out to the mountains. Showing just how much he was loved, the Big Bang Theory alum included a picture of her and her partner wearing Christmas sweaters with his face on them.

The Flight Attendant star's message to her late pup continued with a reflection of how much he loved her and Pelphrey's daughter, Matilda.

"Matilda came and Blue turned to mush like the rest of us. He was so gentle with her and kind. She was obsessed with his one squeaky toy, always stealing it from him. He would patiently wait till she dropped it then scoop it back up for himself and quietly walk away," she wrote. "He was the quiet mascot of our home but Tom was and will always be his one and only. They saved each other. I think this hit deep because I felt their relationship was similar to me and Norman’s. I know that love and pain and many have felt this too! We are so lucky to be loved by animals. They are gifts from above and we have been given the honor to cherish them on this earth. To be their voices. To teach our children how to treat them and how to love them."

Cuoco ended her message with one final round of thanks for Blue.

"Blue, it was an honor to be your second favorite human down here on earth. I can’t wait for you to meet Norman, Sasha, Kingy, and Dumps. Oh the adventures you will have!💙💙💙💙💙," she wrote.

On his respective Instagram, Pelphrey said a personal goodbye to Blue, whom he got in 2018.

"I had to say goodbye to my guy," he wrote.

"I got Blue on Xmas eve, 2018. Blue had been at a rescue for over a year, and in that time had been adopted and returned at least 3x, fostered and returned at least as many. He was living in a kennel and "too aggressive" to have a home," he added. "I knew this was my guy. Blue and I got to work Day 1…. long walks, training sessions, stability, repetition. Love. A lot of love. He was the most beautiful dog I’ve ever seen. It was slow going at first… I wasn’t sure if I would be able to have people to my apartment ever again- I didn’t care. A month after I got him the kind lady who owned the rescue called me to check on Blue. I told her 'We have work to do but he’s smart and he's a great dog' 'So you’re keeping him?' 'Of course I am' She broke down crying on the phone."

Pelphrey's post went on to explain how over the course of a year, Blue changed for the better and just in time for him to begin his relationship with Cuoco and eventually start a family.

"Two years ago I met Kaley and everything changed," the post continued in part. "We had a family! We settled into a home. And the fearsome, snarling Blue became the most gentle 'Shepard'. He came into a family full of small dogs 1/10 of his size, and he was patient and loving with all of them. He played ball with our baby girl Matilda… he played more gently and softly with her than the most cautious parent. He saw we were settled, he saw that I had learned the lessons I thought I was teaching him… He was by my side the entire time (literally)… protecting me and guiding me into a new, fuller life. I guess that’s what Shepards do. I held him at the end. I’m heartbroken. I’m full of gratitude to God for every second with one of His angels. 💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙."

Blue's death comes almost a month after Cuoco shared that the family said goodbye to their beloved dog, King. In the candid post, the actress shared that the first dog that she and Pelphrey rescued together died just a year and a half after they rescued him.

Last May, Cuoco and Pelphrey lost another one of their dogs, Dumpy, whose death followed her beloved dog, Norman, who died in 2021.

Speaking to ET last year, Cuoco explained that her dog brand, Oh Norman!, was inspired by her late pet.

"I am a girl who loves dogs," Cuoco said. "I know what people want, I know what I want for my dog -- that's all I can go by and also to be able to have this company in Norman's name, the dog that totally changed my life, and that each portion of each sale goes towards animal rescue is what I've dreamed of forever. So that's where we're at and it just felt like the right time, I could put the right products out there, hopefully make it as affordable as possible, and save as many dogs as I can."


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