Just Musing: A tale of picky eaters and a social media break

Parenting has sure changed since I raised my children. When I cooked a meal you either ate what was on the table or went hungry. Luckily, my children were not picky eaters and ate pretty much all foods. A snack after school was usually a fruit or a peanut butter sandwich.

I am visiting family in the D.C. area and witnessed firsthand the changes in parenting. Choice of cereal for breakfast was pretty much the same as I did with my children. I counted seven cereals in the cupboard. My kids ate Wheaties, corn flakes and Raisin Bran and had a glass of juice.

But when it came to dinner time, it was a whole different story. My grandson-in-law and granddaughter made spaghetti and had both sets of grandparents and myself for dinner. That was when I learned they catered to their children like a waitress/cook in a restaurant.

One only wanted plain spaghetti with butter and Parmesan cheese. Another only wanted marina sauce − no meat. The third one wanted chicken nuggets and only one of them would eat the steamed broccoli but two of them had a nice bowl of salad.

And their after school snack? Just open the pantry door and get your choice of snacks purchased by the case ranging from cookies, mini muffins, dried fruits, puffed cheese and more. At least they knew they could only have one.

I won’t say much about the Buckeyes loss to Michigan because I know there are many TTUN fans all over. I still believe Denzel Burke had his hands on the ball from the initial catch until they hit the ground in the second quarter. I don’t like to bash officials, but I think they missed that call. It was a good game by both teams.

Social media negativity getting her down

I have been on social media about 10-11 years but I am about to take a leave of absence. I liked it because it was a way of keeping in touch with friends long distance, pray for them when they requested prayers, offer condolences to those who have lost loved ones, send out birthday and anniversary wishes and more.

However, so many are using it in negative ways, making threats and bashing others publicly instead of addressing their differences with the intended person or business. Anyone else feel this way? Does it seem to be more frequent or is it just my feed?

If you have not attended Christmas at the Palace, you have one last chance. The final performance is 2 p.m. Sunday. This annual tradition will get you in the mood for the holidays and lift your spirit. Congratulations to Clare Cooke and crew for another spectacular show.

I have to make a trip to the BMV to renew my tags in the very near future. I renew for two years to reduce the frequency of these visits. I have found in recent years the best times are right after lunch and before quitting time. Wish me luck that this holds true this year.

We all should consider each other as human beings with feelings and show each other respect. A kind person always shows respect. Respect for others guides our morals. Now I will get off my bandstand. Enough said.

Let me leave you with this quotation by William Hazlitt: “The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as being heard.”

Until next week. Be safe and be kind.

Brenda Donegan is a former Marion Star staffer. She may be reached at brendadonegan55@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Marion Star: A tale of picky eaters plus a leave of absence from social media
