How To With John Wilson unveils season 3 trailer and confirms it’s ending

how to with john wilson, season 3
How To With John Wilson unveils s3 trailerHBO

HBO series How To With John Wilson has unveiled its season 3 trailer – and also confirmed the next batch of episodes will be the last.

The docuseries, which premiered back in 2020, sees the titular filmmaker take to the streets of New York with his camera, with each episode framed as a tutorial – though episodes take unexpected directions thanks to conversations he strikes up.

The trailer gives a taste of things to come, with a car horn tooting the Godfather theme and a chat with seagulls among the quirky delights set to come.

how to with john wilson, season 3

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The third season “continues his heartfelt mission of self-discovery, exploration, and observation as he films the lives of his fellow New Yorkers while attempting to give everyday advice on six new deceptively simple and wildly random topics".

"Building upon season 2, the episodes take unexpected turns, as [Wilson] navigates a new set of topics including how to find a public restroom, how to work out, and how to clean your ears,” the synopsis adds (via Variety).

how to with john wilson season 3 trailer

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Speaking about the decision to wrap up the series now, Wilson said: “As we started work on season 3, I found it exciting to think of it as the last one.

"It ended up opening a lot of narrative possibilities that weren’t available to us before and gave us the freedom to try some really ambitious stuff.

“While a part of me would be happy to go on making How To indefinitely, I take a lot of pride in trying to make the style and imagery feel surprising, and I would prefer to end the show while that’s still the case.

"Thematically, we also kind of reach a vanishing point by the finale, and it felt like a natural place to sign off.”

How To With John Wilson season 3 will premiere on July 28 on HBO.

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