Jennifer Lawrence had no hesitation over nude beach scene

andrew barth feldman, jennifer lawrence, no hard feelings
J-Law had no hesitation over nude beach sceneMacall Polay/Sony Pictures

Jennifer Lawrence has confessed she didn't hesitate over the naked fight scene in her latest rom-com No Hard Feelings.

The movie shocked cinema-goers with a hilarious nude scene when it hit the big screen earlier this year and the film has now dropped on Netflix in the US.

No Hard Feelings follows Lawrence's character, a 32-year old Uber driver in need of a new car who makes a deal to date a socially-awkward 19-year old as he gets ready to head off to college.

One of the film's most memorable moments sees the two leads go skinny dipping, but things don't quite go according to plan.

When their clothes are stolen, Lawrence's character Maddie decides to turn violent in a bid to retrieve their clothes - despite being naked the whole time.

andrew barth feldman, jennifer lawrence, no hard feelings
Macall Polay/Sony Pictures

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At the time of the films's release in June, Lawrence reflected on how she felt when the scene was first pitched

"Everyone in my life and my team is doing the right thing and going, 'Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure?'," Lawrence told Variety. "I didn’t even have a second thought. It was hilarious to me."

Fellow lead Andrew Barth Feldman, who plays Percy, added: "Every situation that these characters end up in, you’re laughing your butt off. We became so close instantly that nothing ever felt weird or unsafe. It was entirely professional.

"I felt it was an exclusively sterile and professional environment."

jennifer lawrence, no hard feelings
Sony Pictures

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The film received mixed reviews from critics, with some stating that despite its edgy premise, the film actually plays it too safe to make an impact. However, there's an argument that the film isn't actually the raunchy sex comedy it was marketed as, but a sweet film about confidence and coming out of one's shell.

Elsewhere during promotion for the rom-com, Lawrence revealed that she was "immediately" turned down for a role in Twilight.

No Hard Feelings is available to stream on Netflix in the US.

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