Jennifer Garner's Strict Parenting Rule Has Fans Divided

Jennifer Garner certainly has her hands full, with her acting career, her business ventures, and her three growing children. But the 50-year-old mom takes a hands-on approach to all of these aspects of her life, especially when it comes to raising her kids.

Jennifer has three children with Ben Affleck: Violet, 17, Seraphina, 14, and Samuel, 11. The actress does what she can to protect her children's privacy, especially when their parents are in the public eye. But she has a struggle that all parents face, and she takes a strict stance.

actress jennifer garner poses with her children violet affleck, seraphina rose elizabeth affleck and samuel garner affleck at her star on the hollywood walk of fame, august 20, 2018 in hollywood, california garner, who received the 2,641st star in the motion picture category, stars in the soon to be released film peppermint photo by robyn beck afp photo credit should read robyn beckafp via getty images
Jennifer Garner and her children, 2018ROBYN BECK

In an interview with TODAY, she discusses one of her parenting rules: Her children are not allowed on social media. "I just said to my kids, 'Show me the articles that prove social media is good for teenagers, and then we'll have the conversation. Find me scientific evidence that matches what I have that says that it's not good for teenagers. Then we'll chat.'"

She admits that she has a long way to go and says, "Just knock on wood that and see if I really hang in there." When asked how her kids feel about it, she said, "My eldest is grateful." The Today Family Instagram account shared the video, and commenters engaged in a debate on the subject. Most fans cheered her on for her efforts, but a few questioned if it was the best approach:

  • "This is great parenting and I love that it's a open conversation with her kids vs just saying no. Let's talk about it, let's see if this is beneficial to you."

  • "She’s just the best! Love her wisdom and rationality."

  • "Good luck with that Jen. Just not practical with older kids. Raise your kids to make strong educated choices not shield them from the world."

  • "It’s impossible to find the right balance between parenting and the influences of social media. Kudos to her for not following the status quo, and hopefully her children are able to navigate and develop healthy habits and great individuality!"

  • "Keeping your kids in a bubble is also not a good thing. Instead why not teach your kids how to manage their time wisely and be carefully on how to choose what to watch and not, what to believe and not, what to trust and not."

Jen joins other celebrities, including Erin Napier and Kate Winslet, who have taken strong stances when it comes to their children and social media. It's an important conversation, and we appreciate the fresh perspective.

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