JCPS school board member's intimidating letter to principals was an extreme abuse of power

Early in 2020, a group of concerned Black retired Jefferson County Public Schools Administrators formed the Coalition of Retired Black Administrators and Principals. These administrators have served over five decades in JCPS. The group began meeting to monitor the treatment of current Black administrators, and, more specifically, the treatment of Black principals at mostly Black JCPS schools under state audit. Our advocacy included meeting with some of the affected principals, superintendent Marty Pollio, JCPS Board members and legislators while also writing letters to the Kentucky Education Commissioner and Kentucky School Board.

Little did we know that, as the year progressed, our involvement and level of expertise would be needed to advocate around some of the most pressing issues to face our district in its history. We have a unique perspective to offer about educating all children, and especially Black children. Our entire careers have been spent leading with high expectations, explicit curriculum and building relationships.

We feel compelled to respond to the recent letter written by School Board Member Chris Kolb. The letter was originally sent to Superintendent Marty Pollio who felt it was appropriate to forward to JCPS principals. This is as an extreme abuse of power for both Chris Kolb and Dr. Pollio.

Does JCPS decision affect you? Submit your letter to the editor here.

Sadiqa Reynolds, right, former President and CEO of the Louisville Urban League, addressed JCPS Board Member Chris Kolb duriing a meeting about transportation for magnet schools in the district at the Vanhoose Education Center in Louisville Ky. on April 10, 2024. Reynolds wanted the board to table a vote on ending transportation for all magnet schools and implored them to seek other avenues to preserve it.

Chris Kolb's letter to principals is intimidating and disrespectful

As former administrators, there are several parts of Chris Kolb's recent letter to principals that are disrespectful or intimidating to current principals:

  1. The letter suggests that principals have communicated messages that are "unintentionally or not, misleading," contributing to a "damaging narrative about JCPS." We see this as questioning the integrity and professionalism of the principals.

  2. The letter states that some principals have shown a "knee-jerk reaction based on fear of change," which is described as "not a wise course of action" and "not one I would expect from leaders at the level of school principal and above." This insinuation of poor leadership is disrespectful and demeaning.

  3. The letter states that if principals feel they are not up to the task of leading through changes, they should consider stepping aside. This questioning of their leadership abilities and suggesting they may not be capable is disrespectful and undermining.

  4. The letter states that “if {Kolb} was Dr. Pollio, I would be apoplectic with several of you whom Dr. Pollio has himself hired, promoted, or kept on through the years." This is certainly a thinly-veiled threat and could create a sense of intimidation among principals.

  5. The letter hints at the possibility of Pollio receiving a negative evaluation, stating that their actions are "likely to result in a far less positive evaluation than I would have thought possible." This reveals a lack of impartiality and puts personal agendas above children’s interests.

JCPS paid for a transportation audit. Then they ignored the results and failed 20,000 students.

The letter creates a hostile work environment

Overall, the tone of the letter is confrontational and critical, which further creates a hostile and uncomfortable environment for principals. As retired administrators, we are apoplectic that a JCPS Board member would openly criticize the integrity and professionalism of principals who are on the front lines every day. Instead, he should be praising them.

It's infuriating to witness JCPS Board member Chris Kolb's biased decisions and conflicts of interest regarding Superintendent Pollio's likability. Furthermore, by forwarding the email, Superintendent Pollio's action can be seen as endorsement of retaliation against principals who had the courage to speak up for students. This behavior from Dr. Pollio is unacceptable and demonstrates a continued failure of leadership.

Enough is enough — Pollio must be fired, and Kolb should resign to restore trust and prioritize the welfare of Jefferson County families.

Dr. Freda Merriweather; Retired Principal Price Elementary and Assistant Superintendent JCPS, Dr. Deanna Tinsley: Retired Principal Norton Elementary and Assistant Superintendent JCPS, Carletta Bell: Retired Principal Price Elementary, Faye Owens: Retired Principal Mill Creek Elementary, Joanna Smith: Retired Principal Cochran Elementary, Rothel Farris: Retired Principal Whitney Young Elementary, Dr. John Huggins: Retired Principal Shawnee High School and Assistant Director Student Services, Michelle Pennix: Retired Principal Mill Creek Elementary: Leadership Academy

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: JCPS Superintendent Pollio complicit in board member's abusive letter
