Jason Kelce Shares Surprisingly Hot Take on Tom Brady’s NFL Scandal

L: Tom Brady, R: Jason Kelce

Nearly a decade after Tom Brady's infamous NFL scandal, otherwise known as "Deflategate," where he and the New England Patriots were accused of deflating the football during a championship game, Jason Kelce is coming forward with a rather hot take about the whole thing.

During this week's episode of New Heights, the recently retired center boldly labeled himself a cheater, calling the act of looking for ways to cheat things "part of the game of playing" and labeling it "an advantage of a savvy player."

"There's an acceptable amount [of cheating]," he said, before spitting out perhaps his hottest take: "I don't even think Tom should've gotten in trouble for deflating footballs."

"I'm pro-deflating footballs," he continued, bluntly declaring that the former Patriots quarterback "outsmarted people."

"Why...does it matter how much air is in [the football]?" he demanded passionately. "If you're throwing it and catching it, who...cares?! We're all mad because he had the common sense to...take a little air out so that his receivers could catch...the thing?"

"Why is that against the rules?" the tirade continued. "Ya'll could've taken the air out, too! You just weren't smart enough, so why am I getting penalized because you're...dummies?"

"Because it's regulated..." Travis Kelce pointed out.

"Yeah, but it's a stupid rule though," Jason countered, sounding a bit more calm. "That's all I'm saying. If the rule isn't protecting player health or, like, if only one team can do it, I get what you're saying. But if both teams have the opportunity to do something and the other team is just not as smart as the other team, I think it's a stupid rule. You're taking away intelligence."

Travis was on the fence, but admitted, "There's an art to competition; it is what it is."

"It's a fine line," Jason agreed. "Some would say there's no integrity in it and I'm a coward, and I would just say that I outsmarted everybody else. Whatever."

Next: Travis Kelce Finally Breaks Silence on Teammate Harrison Butker’s Controversial Comments
