What January’s Full Wolf Moon in Leo Means for Every Zodiac Sign

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A cosmic shot of courage is coming our way on January 25, and we have the first full moon of 2024 to thank for it. The full wolf moon, as January’s lunation has been dubbed, is a nod to the brave packs that howl at this time of year. There’s no better full moon for finding or establishing your public voice.

But that’s not the only confidence booster that January’s lunar lift is bringing. In 2024, the first full moon lands in lionhearted Leo, the live-out-loud royal of the zodiac. All the world’s a fashion week runway and a Broadway stage this January 25. What will you put on display?

Why the First Full Moon of the Year Is So Important to Astrologers

The first full moon is especially significant, because it sets the tone for self-expression for the entire year. And, a fun astro-fact, January’s full moon can only be in one of two zodiac signs: introspective Cancer or expressive Leo.

Will people be vying for the spotlight of a showy Leo moon? (In 2024, yes.) Or will they duck into their private spaces to quietly develop plans under the Cancer full moon’s guidance? (That was 2023.)

a collage of a full moon, dragonfly, flower, and coin
Getty + Design Leah Romero

What Does a Leo Full Moon Mean?

You don’t have to be a Leo to act like one during this full moon. We’ll all feel the influence of this lunar event, no matter what our sun, moon, and rising signs are.

A full moon in proud, dramatic Leo levels up the theatrical vibes. If you suddenly feel like you’re auditioning for The Voice on Thursday, January 25, this is the reason.

Heart-centered Leo feels everything—and deeply. Get ready for emotions to surface, including ones you’ll need to talk about…now. Leo is also incredibly creative, and some of the wildest imaginings might evolve from percolating ideas into legit plans near January 25. Ready your pitch, because even die-hard skeptics might get on board if you show them the true benefits of your idea.

Could Anything Go Wrong During This Full Moon?

Er, yes. Particularly if you fail to pay attention to existing power structures. Domineering Pluto (in Aquarius) will oppose this full moon in the sky, which could turn healthy competitions into cutthroat battles for control. Be careful not to step on the wrong toes. Imitation will not be the best form of flattery. In fact, people might accuse you of stealing their carefully cultivated style. With TMI Jupiter in a tense, 90-degree square to the full moon, you could innocently spill a secret or push someone past their limits in a conversation. Stay aware, read the room, and know when to back off.

What Does the Leo Full Moon Mean for My Zodiac Sign?

Every zodiac sign will experience the Leo full moon in a specific way. While the below interpretations are meant to be read for your sun sign (i.e. your zodiac sign), you can apply them to your rising sign as well.

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Forget about following trends. January’s full wolf moon in Leo makes fire signs the official pack leaders and trailblazers of 2024. Stepping into this role comes naturally to you since you’re already comfortable as the zodiac’s independent, standout solo stars. This full moon wants you to dig even deeper for inspiration. Visuals are important, but think about the emotions you can evoke. Give people something pretty to look at, and you’ll captivate their interest; make people feel something, and you’ll turn them into lifelong fans.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Feelings are flowing during this full moon. Embrace it, even if that means letting go of a measure of control. Relationships (the ones worth hanging on to) actually grow stronger when you share yourself vulnerably. The confessional energy of the Leo full moon sets the stage for deep emotional revelations. Stop holding back. You could open the floodgates and finally nudge a friendship or romantic connection into fulfilling terrain.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra Aquarius)

With January’s full moon in Leo activating your natural people skills, there couldn’t be a better time to cast for a dream team or find one special partner and form a dynamic duo. (Or both!) If you’re already part of a stellar squad, this full moon helps you think about the impact you want to have within the group in 2024. How can you empower others and foster a deeper sense of togetherness? Maybe it’s time to rewrite a mission statement or set new shared goals for the coming 12 months.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

What do you want to be the queen of in 2024? This regal full moon activates the money and power zones for water signs, putting your career goals in the spotlight. If you aren’t quite ready to ask for that raise, what steps could you take to get there? This is your prompt to enroll in training, enlist a coach or mentor, or avail yourself to the office VIPs so you can show them what you’re made of. With your innate relationship-building skills, water signs should live by the credo, “It’s all about who you know.” Go forth, and build your network.

Get your complete forecast in The AstroTwins 2024 Horoscope, available in paperback or PDF. ELLE readers get 20 percent off with the checkout code ELLE24.

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