Janitor rubbed penis in water bottles, spreading STD to at least 13 people, lawsuit says

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A janitor accused of spreading a sexually transmitted disease by rubbing his penis inside water bottles at a Texas workplace is now being sued, records show.

The lawsuit is filed on behalf of 13 women who “have now tested positive for incurable sexually transmitted diseases that will forever affect their lives,” according to law firm Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner.

Seeking more than $1 million, the lawsuit filed Jan. 26 in Harris County names janitor Lucio Catarino Diaz, his employers, the building owners and building property management.

Diaz, 50, was arrested Oct. 5 and charged with “aggravated assault — bodily injury with a deadly weapon” after he was seen on video putting his penis inside a woman’s water bottle, McClatchy News previously reported. He was infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 and chlamydia at the time of his arrest.

McClatchy News was unable to reach Diaz or his employer for comment. The other defendants did not immediately respond to a request for comment from McClatchy News on Jan. 26.

“I (can) no longer leave my water bottles anywhere or my cups at a party ... because I don’t want no one to catch what I have because a monster decided to do what he did to me without my consent,” one of the women said in a statement sent to McClatchy News. “But what hurts me the most is that every time my babies want to kiss me I have to turn my face and tell them kiss mommy in the forehead or I have to kiss my babies in their back and not in their cheeks ... they are too little to understand what happen to their mommy.”

‘Daily cleaning ritual’

The plaintiffs are all employed by businesses that lease a commercial work place in Houston, according to the lawsuit. Diaz worked for a company that was contracted to clean the offices.

Starting in August, the workers said they began noticing the office water had a foul smell or taste. Some of them began bringing in their own water bottles, and if they didn’t finish drinking the liquid before they left work, they’d leave the bottles on their desks, according to the lawsuit.

Those personal water bottles also started having an odd smell, the attorneys said.

One of the women, identified by police as M.A., told the doctor she worked for that her water smelled like pee, McClatchy News reported. A urinalysis was done, and the test confirmed urine was in the water.

M.A. bought a hidden camera from Amazon to place on her desk, according to the lawsuit. On Sept. 26, Diaz was seen at her desk.

“The video clearly showed the nighttime janitor ... approach M.A.’s desk as if to clean, set the cleaning rag and cleaning bottle on the desk, unzip his pants, pull out his penis, grab the water bottle sitting on the desk, unscrew the cap, and begin to insert his penis into the water bottle (turning it upwards to ensure the water in the bottle touched his penis), and rub his penis on the mouth of the bottle,” attorneys said. “He then put the cap back on the bottle, set it back where he found it, zipped up his pants, grabbed the cleaning bottle and rag, and continued to ‘clean’ the desk.”

Diaz did not appear nervous or phased, according to the lawsuit. “He had done this before — and it had now become just a part of his daily ‘cleaning’ ritual,” attorneys said.

‘Urine and other bodily fluids’

M.A. contacted police that evening, the lawsuit says, then she went to the office building to meet them there. As she waited for police to arrive, she informed building management of what had happened and showed them the video.

The next day, she said she made an official report at the Houston Police Department.

M.A. also told a building manager that she was going to inform all the tenants of what happened, but she was asked not to as “building management would ‘handle’ the situation,” according to the lawsuit.

It took six days for the notification to be sent, the attorneys said.

Before the notification went out, though, the lawsuit says Diaz was again caught rubbing his penis in M.A.’s water bottle.

“Diaz was given free rein to commit another assault on M.A. and the other plaintiffs,” attorneys said, allowing more people to “come in contact with (the janitor’s) urine and other bodily fluids.”

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