Israel-Hamas war – live: IDF tanks and troops mass at Gaza border as soldiers prepare for attack order

Israeli military tanks and troops are massing at the Gaza border as its soldiers are preparing for the attack order.

Hundreds of thousands of IDF troops have amassed in multiple divisions on the border of the enclave, as the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) are poised for a ground invasion of Gaza.

The United Nations has warned of an unfolding “humanitarian catastrophe” in the besieged Strip, which Israel has sealed off and cut access to water, fuel, electricity and food.

The Israeli government is under intense public pressure to topple Hamas after the terrorists stormed through a border fence Saturday and massacred hundreds of Israelis in their homes, on the streets and at an outdoor music festival.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu alleged that the attackers engaged in atrocities, including binding boys and girls and shooting them in the head, burning people alive, raping women and beheading soldiers.

Netanyahu joined with a top political rival on Wednesday to create a wartime cabinet to oversee Israel’s retaliation against Hamas.

He said every member of Hamas is a “dead man”, vowing to “crush and destroy” the organisation.

Militants in Gaza are holding an estimated 150 people taken hostage from Israel. The death toll in the Strip rose to 1,200 early Thursday, the Palestinian health ministry said. The Israeli military said more than 1,200 people have been killed in Israel.

Key Points

  • Israel forms wartime cabinet as Netanyahu vows to 'crush and destroy' Hamas

  • American death toll in Hamas attack rises to 22

  • More than 330,000 Palestinians displaced as Israel pounds Gaza

  • Gaza’s sole power station runs out of fuel as water supply also threatened

Palestinian death toll surpasses 1,300

11:06 , Tara Cobham

The Palestinian death toll now stands at 1,354, the Gaza Health Ministry has said, as the number continues to rise.

It added that 6,049 others have been wounded in Israeli strikes since Saturday.

Israel says no humanitarian break to Gaza siege unless hostages freed

09:17 , Tara Cobham

Israel said on Thursday there would be no humanitarian break to its siege of the Gaza Strip until all its hostages were freed, after the Red Cross pleaded for fuel to be allowed in to prevent overwhelmed hospitals from "turning into morgues".

Israel's Energy Minister Israel Katz said there would be no exception to the siege without freedom for Israeli hostages.

"Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electrical switch will be lifted, no water hydrant will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli hostages are returned home. Humanitarian for humanitarian. And nobody should preach us morals," Katz posted on social media platform X.

Peace activists taken by Hamas days ago need medication, says daughter

11:53 , Tara Cobham

Two elderly peace activists who were abducted by Hamas five days ago need their medication, their distraught daughter has told a central London press conference.

Sharon Lifschitz, 52, an artist and academic, whose parents, aged 85 and 83, were taken by Hamas, said: "We are true the situation is not over, there are hostages in Gaza, my mother was taken out and disconnected from her oxygen and was loaded onto a motorbike."

"I feel I've been hollow for the last few days but I feel that we are strong. I feel like together we are facing this thing, what we are facing is an act of such barbarity that it is coaxing us into hate, into rage, into wanting to destroy," she said.

"We ask to see the human within each of us. We now need to act together to fight that hatred with love, start with our own heart."

Son tells of ‘second holocaust’ by Hamas after parents abducted

11:47 , Tara Cobham

A son whose parents were abducted by Hamas has told of a “second holocaust” being carried out by the terrorists.

Speaking at a central London press conference for the children of those being held hostage by Hamas, Noam Sagi said:"On Saturday morning, kibbutz woke up to a massacre, a second holocaust. They had been gassed, burned, butchered, slaughtered, killed and kidnapped. Mostly young kids and old elderly people. They burned the place to the ground, shot the dogs, nothing left.

“There is no politics here. No context, no religion, no race. Simple humanity.

“People who survived the holocaust found themselves facing another one. One of the hostages was on the Kindertransport.

“I call you all of you media people in this room to connect to your human hearts, take responsibility and present the rights from the wrongs. Call the Hamas for what they are, a terror group. They need to take care of their civilians and instead they are taking others. They are using you to manipulate opinions and in this psychological warfare, you are being used.

“There is no place for politics, these are peace-loving people who fought all their life for co-existence and for good neighbouring relationships.

“If they are to die for peace, they will take it. If they die for war, that will be another travesty."

Watch live: British Israeli families speak about relatives abducted by Hamas

11:43 , Tara Cobham

‘Whole families were butchered’

11:42 , Tara Cobham

A spokesperson has told of “whole families being butchered” at a press conference by British-Israelis whose parents are being held hostage by Hamas.

"In Israeli communities in south Israel they went door to door and snatched babies from their mothers and children from their beds, handcuffed them and brutally and cold bloodedly slaughtered them," a spokesperson said in a short statement in central London. "Whole families were butchered."

She described the Hamas terrorists as a "modern-day death squad".

Rishi Sunak offers Egypt UK help to keep Gaza crossing open

11:35 , Jon Stone, Policy Correspondent

Rishi Sunak has told the Egyptian president that the UK stands ready to help keep the country's crossing into the Gaza Strip open.

The prime minister spoke to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi this on Thursday morning, according to a No.10 read-out of the call.

The prime minister "acknowledged the challenging security situation at the Rafah border" and "offered the UK’s support to try to manage this situation and keep the route open for humanitarian and consular reasons, including for British nationals".

Downing Street did not elaborate on what form such assistance could take.

The crossing at Rafah was disrupted by Israeli airstrikes in recent days. Egypt has urged Israel to let civilians leave Gaza through its territory to prevent an exodus of refugees into Egypt,

The No.10 spokesperson added that the PM “expressed his condolences for the Egyptians who have lost their lives, along with so many others".

"The Prime Minister said that terrorism is an evil which must be confronted, wherever we find it. It was also important that the conflict did not spread further.

"He noted the importance of Egypt’s historic role in the region, including in seeking de-escalation.

The leaders agreed to remain in contact as the situation develops.

Rishi Sunak has told the Egyptian president that the UK stands ready to help keep the country's crossing into the Gaza Strip open (PA Wire)
Rishi Sunak has told the Egyptian president that the UK stands ready to help keep the country's crossing into the Gaza Strip open (PA Wire)

Jewish parents’ fears for children’s safety

11:33 , Tara Cobham

Jewish parents in the UK say they are “terrified” about their children’s safety as schools step up security measures in the wake of Hamas’ deadly attacks in Israel.

At least one school has warned children against wearing any identifying badges on their uniforms and a parent told the Independent her son is covering his kippah with a baseball cap out of fear of reprisals.

Antisemitic incidents in the UK have increased by more than 300% since Hamas’ attack on Israel, according to Jewish security group the Community Security Trust (CST).

Athena Stavrou reports:

Jewish parents’ fears as school warns children not to wear identifying badges

Sadiq Khan urges UK governemnt to back humanitarian access to Gaza

11:32 , Jon Stone, Policy Correspondent

Sadiq Khan has written to the foreign secretary urging the UK government to join calls for humanitarian access to Gaza.

In his letter to James Cleverly the mayor of London said there was "no justification" for the "sickening terrorist attacks committed by Hamas against Israel".

"Israel has a right to defend itself and its people against terrorism, and to target those responsible. Any response must however be proportionate, adhere to international law, and take all steps to avoid the death and suffering of innocent Palestinians," he wrote.

"I am deeply saddened by the loss of innocent life in Gaza that has already taken place as a result of Israel’s military response, and I am calling on the UK government to urgently work with international partners to secure humanitarian access and support to and from Gaza.

Mr Khan cited United Nations estimates that Israel's military response in Gaza has left almost 340,000 people homeless, noting that "food, fuel and medicine supplies are also being blocked by Israel, in retaliation for the attacks we saw last weekend".

"Both the UN and the World Health Organization have now called for an urgent need to establish humanitarian access and support for unimpeded, life-saving patient referrals and movement of humanitarian personnel and essential health supplies," he said.

"The humanitarian situation in Gaza is already of great concern, and we must recognise the implications of it deteriorating further. I urge the British government to join calls for humanitarian access to and from Gaza, which would allow essential supplies and humanitarian aid to reach those who desperately need it."

Sadiq Khan has written to the foreign secretary urging the UK government to join calls for humanitarian access to Gaza (PA Wire)
Sadiq Khan has written to the foreign secretary urging the UK government to join calls for humanitarian access to Gaza (PA Wire)

Israeli families hold funerals at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem

11:31 , Tara Cobham

Israeli families held funerals to bury their dead at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on Thursday 12 October, as the country reels from last weekend’s Hamas attack.

A spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces said in an update on Wednesday that at least 1,200 people have died as a result of last weekend’s assault and the days-long conflict.

The nation’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has alleged that the Hamas attackers engaged in atrocities, including binding boys and girls and shooting them in the head, burning people alive, raping women and beheading soldiers.

Netanyahu joined with a top political rival on Wednesday to create a wartime cabinet to oversee Israel’s retaliation against Hamas.

Oliver Browning reports:

Israeli families hold funerals at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem after Hamas attack

Watch: Former boss questioned over BBC’s Israel coverage

11:30 , Tara Cobham

White House warns Israel crisis stretching ability to support Ukraine

11:29 , Tara Cobham

The White House said it was “running out of runway” on supporting both Ukraine and Israel as US Republican lawmakers warned they would protest any funding request for military aid from the Biden administration for the two crisis-hit nations.

“I think in the immediate term, right now, we can continue to support – with the authorities in the appropriations we have – Israel and Ukraine. But, you know, we’re ... certainly running out of runway,” said John Kirby, a spokesperson for the National Security Council.

Mr Kirby was answering a question at a daily briefing on the administration meeting the immediate needs of Ukraine and Israel along with the continuing fight to elect a House Speaker.

Arpan Rai reports:

White House warns Israel crisis is stretching its ability to support Ukraine

Health Secretary says Israel has ‘right to do everything to rescue hostages'

11:14 , Tara Cobham

Health Secretary Steve Barclay said Israel has "the right to do everything it can to rescue those hostages" in Gaza.

Asked on Good Morning Britain on ITV if he has fears over the level of Israel's retaliation in Gaza and concerns that there may be breaches of international law, Mr Barclay said: "We think international law obviously should be followed and civilian casualties should be minimised."

He added: "But we should also be very clear that the reason for this situation is because Hamas has taken hostages into Gaza and the Israeli Government has the right to do everything it can to rescue those hostages.

"And the reason that the people in Gaza are being put at risk is because Hamas embeds its military operations in civilian areas."

Addressing questions over repatriation of UK citizens from Israel, he said: "Some commercial flights have been stopped but there are still commercial flights."

Asked if there will be Government-sanctioned flights to bring back UK citizens, he said: "Well at the moment there are still commercial flights but of course the Foreign Office keeps these issues under review."

Health Secretary Steve Barclay said Israel has
Health Secretary Steve Barclay said Israel has

US Secretary of State Blinken lands in Israel

11:13 , Tara Cobham

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken landed in Tel Aviv on Thursday as part of a Middle East tour to show Washington's solidarity with Israel after the attacks by Palestinian Hamas militants and to work to prevent the conflict from widening.

Blinken will also try to help secure the release of hostages kidnapped by Hamas, some of whom are Americans, and advance talks with Israelis and Egyptians on providing a safe passage of Gaza civilians out of the enclave before a possible Israeli ground invasion.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrives at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv on Thursday (via REUTERS)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrives at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv on Thursday (via REUTERS)

Hamas holding at least 97 people hostage, says Israeli military

11:10 , Tara Cobham

Israel's military spokesperson said on Thursday that Israel was able to confirm the identities of 97 people taken hostage into Gaza during an attack by Hamas on Saturday.

The offensive Israel launched on the blockaded Palestinian enclave since was meant to eliminate the ability of the Islamist militant movement to govern, Daniel Hagari said in a televised press briefing.

"The military is preparing for the next stage of the war," he said, adding that 222 soldiers had been killed since Saturday.

Israeli settlers kill two Palestinians in West Bank, says health ministry

11:08 , Tara Cobham

Israeli settlers killed two Palestinians in the occupied West Bank on Thursday, the Palestinian health ministry said.

Witnesses told Reuters that the father and son were shot when settlers opened fire at the funeral of four Palestinians who were killed by armed settlers and Israeli soldiers in the village of Qusra, near the northern city of Nablus, on Wednesday.

Sussexes condemn ‘all acts of terrorism and brutality’

11:04 , Tara Cobham

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have condemned "all acts of terrorism and brutality" amid the growing Israel-Hamas war.

Harry and Meghan stopped short of singling out sides in a statement on their Archewell Foundation website and vowed to support efforts to send urgent aid to the region.

Under the title With Heavy Hearts, the statement on Harry and Meghan's Archewell site read: "At the Archewell Foundation, with Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, we stand against all acts of terrorism and brutality.

"We are supporting our partners and organisations on the front lines in Israel to provide the urgent aid needed, and to help all innocent victims of this unconscionable level of human suffering."

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have condemned ‘all acts of terrorism and brutality’ amid the growing Israel-Hamas war (PA Archive)
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have condemned ‘all acts of terrorism and brutality’ amid the growing Israel-Hamas war (PA Archive)

Gaza still has fuel but it could run out in hours - ICRC

11:01 , Tara Cobham

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Thursday that the blockaded Gaza Strip still had some fuel to operate generators, including in hospitals, but that it could run out in hours.

"Our understanding is that there is still fuel - but probably only for a few hours - to allow generators to work, including in hospitals," Fabrizio Carboni, ICRC's regional director for the Near and Middle East, told reporters.

Israel has responded to Saturday's surprise attack by Hamas militants by putting Gaza, home to 2.3 million people, under total siege and launching by far the most powerful bombing campaign in the 75-year history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Carboni said it was crucial to allow humanitarian aid already inside Gaza to be safely distributed. He said the enclave's dwindling supplies could not maintain the civilian population for very long.

"There are supplies in Gaza, fuel, chlorine, medical assistance. We have some supplies in stock that we would like to distribute," he said.

"With the supplies we have inside Gaza, we will not be able to support the civilian population for very long. This is why we need to be able to get the supplies we need to Gaza."

Tearful Vanessa Feltz reveals friend has died in conflict

11:00 , Tara Cobham

Vanessa Feltz has paid tribute to her close family friend who was tragically killed when gunmen opened fire at an Isreal music festival.

The presenter was tearful as she revealed Jake Marlowe, 26, who died in the Israel-Hamas conflict on Saturday, was a close friend of her family’s.

Speaking on her TalkTV show, Vanessa said: “Sometimes you hear a news bulletin and there’s a story in that news bulletin that actually affects you very deeply because you know the person they are talking about.

“My family had a close relationship with Jake’s family. His grandma made my mum’s hat for my wedding.

She added: “It’s a tremendous sock and I am so so sorry.”

Lucy Leeson reports:

Tearful Vanessa Feltz reveals family friend has died in Israel-Palestine conflict

Watch: Humza Yousaf’s wife says mother stuck in Gaza hasn’t slept

10:50 , Tara Cobham

UK orders diplomats' families to leave Israel

10:36 , Tara Cobham

The British government on Thursday ordered families of its diplomats in Israel to leave the country as a "precautionary measure".

A foreign office statement said British diplomats would remain on active duty in the country.

"We are temporarily drawing down dependants of staff at our Embassy in Tel Aviv and our Consulate in Jerusalem as a precautionary measure," the statement said.

"Our Embassy and Consulate remain fully staffed and continue to provide consular services to those who require assistance."

UN experts say taking hostages is war crime

10:35 , Tara Cobham

A group of independent United Nations experts on Thursday said that taking hostages in the context of hostilities constituted a war crime.

"The civilians taken by Hamas must be immediately released, pending which their fate and whereabouts must be disclosed," the experts said.

The Israeli death toll had risen to more than 1,300 people since Saturday. Most were civilians gunned down by Hamas in their homes, on the streets or at a dance party.

Scores of Israeli and foreign hostages were taken back to Gaza.

Israel said on Thursday there would be no humanitarian break to its siege of the Gaza Strip until all its hostages were freed.

UN experts say Israel's strikes on Gaza amount to 'collective punishment'

10:33 , Tara Cobham

A group of independent United Nations experts on Thursday condemned violence against civilians in Israel and deplored the "collective punishment" of reprisal strikes against Gaza.

While condemning the "horrific crimes committed by Hamas", the group said that Israel had resorted to "indiscriminate military attacks against the already exhausted Palestinian people of Gaza".

"They have lived under unlawful blockade for 16 years, and already gone through five major brutal wars, which remain unaccounted for," the group, which includes several U.N. special rapporteurs, said in a statement.

"This amounts to collective punishment. There is no justification for violence that indiscriminately targets innocent civilians, whether by Hamas or Israeli forces. This is absolutely prohibited under international law and amounts to a war crime."

A Palestinian man carries a boy as he makes his way through an alley in Gaza City on Thursday (AFP via Getty Images)
A Palestinian man carries a boy as he makes his way through an alley in Gaza City on Thursday (AFP via Getty Images)

Israel was warned three days before Hamas attack, US congressman says

10:30 , Tara Cobham

Israel was warned of a potential violent attack days before the Hamas militant group launched a barrage of rockets into the country, a US congressional panel chair said.

Egypt had warned Israelis "that an event like this could happen" at least "three days" before the Hamas attack last weekend, House Foreign Affairs chair Michael McCaul told reporters on Wednesday following a closed-door intelligence briefing on the crisis.

"I don't want to get too much into classified, but a warning was given," the Republican member of Congress said, according to AFP. "I think the question was at what level."

Alisha Rahaman Sarkar reports:

Israel was warned three days before Hamas attack, US congressman says

Watch: Netanyahu forms wartime cabinet and vows to ‘destroy’ Hamas

10:04 , Tara Cobham

The reality of Israel’s ‘total siege’ on Gaza

10:00 , Bel Trew in Tel Aviv

Israel’s defence minister has ordered a “total” siege on Gaza that would sever all power and water supplies, as well as blocking food and fuel, a move Palestinian medics warn will be “catastrophic” for the embattled civilian population.

Israel has turned the full might of its army onto pounding the 42-km long territory in retaliation for a surprise attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas at the weekend which has killed 900 Israelis.

The military told The Independent its troops were still battling militants across six different locations in the south of Israel.

As part of the surprise attacks, Hamas militants blew open border fences, infiltrated towns, killed civilians and soldiers and took over 100 hostages.

Read more here:

Full might of Israel lays seige to Gaza as battles with Hamas rage on

Is it safe to visit Egypt? And your rights if you have trip booked

09:30 , Tara Cobham

Tourists with imminent trips booked to Egypt may be wondering whether it is safe to travel to the country’s popular cities and resorts amid ongoing conflict in neighbouring Israel and Gaza.

Egypt has so far avoided being drawn into the conflict, despite Israeli airstrikes hitting the area near the border with Gaza and forcing it to close on 10 October.

In a separate event on 8 October, two Israeli tourists were killed by a local police officer after he reportedly “discharged his personal firearm at the tourist group” at a site in the coastal city of Alexandria.

Nevertheless, Egypt’s other borders remain open, and airlines and holiday companies are continuing to operate in the country.

But is it safe to go, and what are your rights if you have an upcoming trip booked? Here are the key questions and answers from The Independent’s Chris Wilson:

Is it safe to travel to Egypt?

‘We will get to every single one of them,’ says IDF of Hamas

09:21 , Tara Cobham

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has vowed, “We will get to every single one of them,” as it targets Hamas militants identified from social media videos.

A representative of the IDF told The Independent: “We are focused on identifying people [from the social media videos]. We are focused on their locations, their infrastructure and their targets. We will get to every single one of them.”

Exclusive: US woman’s desperate search for cousin after Israel festival

09:14 , Andrea Blanco

The American cousin of a missing Israeli man, who was last seen helping women to safety as Hamas militants launched a horror attack at a music festival near the border with Gaza, told The Independent their family is desperate for answers.

“The car that he used to save people — that is still on the side of the road smashed up right now — is the car he picks us up at the airport with,” Keren Shimoni, cousin of Ben Shimoni, told The Independent on Wednesday.

Thirty-one-year-old Mr Shimoni was among more than 3,500 festival-goers at the Supernova Festival near Kibbutz Re’im.

Read more here:

US woman’s desperate search for cousin missing after Israel Supernova festival

Humza Yousaf’s mother-in-law pleads for help trapped in Gaza

09:11 , Tara Cobham

Humza Yousaf's mother-in-law has issued an emotional plea for help as she and her family remain trapped in Gaza.

Elizabeth and Maged El-Nakla travelled to Gaza last week to visit an elderly relative and Ms El-Nakla’s brother, who works as a doctor in Gaza.

They found themselves trapped after militant group Hamas sent fighters across the border and fired thousands of rockets.

In a video message to The Times, Ms El-Nakla said: “We’ve no electricity, we’ve no water. The food we do have, which is little, will not last because there is no electric.

“I have four grandchildren in this home, a two-month-old baby, a four-year-old and today two nine-year-old twins, their birthday.”

Lucy Leeson reports:

Trapped in Gaza: Humza Yousaf’s terrified mother-in-law pleads for help

Cabinet minister says UK ‘does have sympathy’ with Gaza

09:10 , Adam Forrest, Political Correspondent

Cabinet minister Steve Barclay joined calls for the Wembley arch to be lit up in blue and white to support Israel when England plays on Friday, saying it would be “fitting” show of support.

Asked what sympathy he has with the people of Gaza this morning, the health secretary said: “The UK does have sympathy. That’s why we contribute about 10% of the aid that is distributed in the region through the United Nations.”

“It’s why the foreign secretary was in Israel yesterday talking to counterparts about the importance of minimising civilian casualties.”

On pro-Palestine protests seen in Britain, Barclay said there is a difference between the right to protest and taking action that “creates fear in other communities”.

He told LBC: “There is a world of difference between our proud heritage as a country in terms of people’s right to protest compared to... taking action that creates fear in other communities.”

Gaza under siege: The 25-mile-long strip with 2.3 million ‘prisoners’

09:05 , Tara Cobham

Described as “the world’s largest open-air prison” by human rights groups, the Gaza Strip is facing its biggest humanitarian crisis yet as airstrikes rain down on its civilian population.

Since the conflict began five days ago, nearly 1,000 people have been killed by Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes, while a further 5,000 have been wounded with hundreds of children and families affected.

A 25-mile long enclave which has been the subject of a blockade since 2007, more than 65 per cent of its 2.3 million inhabitants live below the poverty line, with conditions for children previously described as “hell on earth”.

Holly Evans and Jabed Ahmed report:

Gaza under siege: The 25-mile-long strip with 2.3 million ‘prisoners’

Satellite images show deadly destruction of Gaza

09:03 , Tara Cobham

Dramatic aerial images of Gaza shows the extent of damage caused by deadly Israeli airstrikes, that have caused terror and devastation across the region.

Residential buildings, markets and mosques have been destroyed in retaliation for the attack launched by Hamasterrorists on Israel’s territories on Saturday.

The Gaza energy authority has warned that they only have “only 10 to 12 hours of fuel left”, while hospitals are said to be “at capacity” with thousands injured and awaiting treatment.

Holly Evans reports:

Satellite images show deadly destruction of Gaza

How big is the Israeli military and what is the Iron Dome?

08:17 , Tara Cobham

Israel is laying siege to Gaza after a deadly attack by Hamas left hundreds of people dead.

The country is drawing on its huge military capabilities to hit back at the terrorists and say they have already killed around 1,500 militants following Saturday’s incursion.

“We are going to go on the offense and attack the Hamas terrorist group and any other group that is in Gaza,” Israeli Brigadier General Dan Goldfus said. “We will have to change the reality from within Gaza to prevent this from happening again.”

Jabed Ahmed reports:

How big is the Israeli military and what is the Iron Dome?

UK foreign secretary calls for ‘as few civilian casualties as possible’

08:08 , Tara Cobham

Foreign secretary James Cleverly has reiterated the UK’s support for Israel’s self-defence – but urged as few civilian casualties as possible.

Mr Cleverly said Israel had a right to “try and regain those people who have been kidnapped” in Gaza, but added: “We would want to see as few civilian casualties as possible”.

In a video posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, the Israeli foreign ministry said foreign secretary Cleverly was among those who had to seek cover after sirens went off during his visit to Ofakim, warning of incoming Hamas rockets.

US State Department warns US citizens against traveling to Israel, West Bank

07:01 , Namita Singh

The State Department upgraded its travel warning for Israel and the West Bank on Wednesday to Level 3, “reconsider travel.” It kept its travel advisory for Gaza at the department’s highest warning level, Level 4, meaning “do not travel.”

The State Department cited extremists continuing to plot attacks, the possibility of violence erupting without warning, and increased demonstrations.

The travel warning comes as five days of rocket fire and missile barrages between the Hamas militant group and Israel already have led many airlines to suspend commercial flights.

Devastating drone footage shows Gaza neighbourhood raised to the ground after Israeli strikes

07:00 , Namita Singh

Drone footage shows Gaza neighbourhood raised to the ground

Gaza under siege: The 25-mile-long strip with 2.3 million ‘prisoners’

07:00 , Namita Singh

Described as “the world’s largest open-air prison” by human rights groups, the Gaza Strip is facing its biggest humanitarian crisis yet as airstrikes rain down on its civilian population.

Since the conflict began five days ago, nearly 1,000 people have been killed by Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes, while a further 5,000 have been wounded with hundreds of children and families affected.

A 25-mile long enclave which has been the subject of a blockade since 2007, more than 65 per cent of its 2.3 million inhabitants live below the poverty line, with conditions for children previously described as “hell on earth”.


Gaza under siege: The 25-mile-long strip with 2.3 million ‘prisoners’

In video: Netanyahu calls Biden to thank him for support

06:43 , Namita Singh

Netanyahu calls Biden to thank him for his support after Hamas attack

Angry Israelis heckle ministers out of hospital as they visit wounded: ‘You’ve ruined this country’

06:42 , Namita Singh

Two of Israel’s cabinet ministers were heckled during hospital visits to see the wounded as anger mounted in the country amid an escalation of the ongoing war between prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and Hamas militants.

Israel’s environment minister Idit Silman was forced to return from a hospital after anguished residents accused the government of “ruining the country”.

Editorial: Israel must consider the consequences of its righteous retribution

06:31 , Namita Singh

If Israel is to retain the international support it so richly deserves, then it must also behave like any other civilised democracy that abides by the rules of war and international conventions.

Read our Independent view here:

Editorial: Israel must consider the consequences of its righteous retribution

As strikes devastate Gaza, Israel forms unity government to oversee war sparked by Hamas attack

06:30 , Namita Singh

Palestinians in Gaza spent the night in pitch darkness, surrounded by the ruins of pulverized neighborhoods, as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to “crush and destroy” Hamas, with the support of a new war cabinet that includes a longtime opposition critic.


As strikes devastate Gaza, Israel forms unity government to oversee war sparked by Hamas attack

‘China’s Middle East envoy expected to speak to Israel’

06:30 , Namita Singh

China’s special envoy on Middle East issues is expected to have a telephone conversation with Israeli officials on Thursday, Israel’s Ambassador to China, Irit Ben-Abba, told Bloomberg News.

China will likely talk about the meeting later in the afternoon, during a regular briefing held by the foreign ministry, reported the news agency.

China’s special envoy on the Middle East, Zhai Jun, earlier this week said the country condemns acts that harm civilians and called for an immediate ceasefire.

China has previously worked on Israel-Palestine issues and has engaged officials from Israel and the Palestinian Authority - which governs in the occupied West Bank - as well as the Arab League and EU in the last year to discuss a two-state solution and recognition for Palestine at the United Nations.

What would a ground invasion of Gaza look like?

06:19 , Namita Singh

Previous incursions have caused thousands of civilian casualties. This time could be worse, Richard Hall writes in this analysis:

‘Released all restraints’: What would a ground invasion of Gaza look like?

Humza Yousaf’s wife talks of ‘terrified’ parents trapped in Gaza

06:10 , Namita Singh

The wife of Scotland’s first minister has said she feels like she is “just living in a nightmare” and that her parents are “terrified” about what will happen next after they became trapped in Gaza.

In an interview with the BBC’s Reporting Scotland on Wednesday, Nadia El-Nakla said her parents, Elizabeth and Maged El-Nakla, “continually” tell her “they feel like they are going to die”.

The El-Naklas travelled to Gaza last week to visit an elderly relative and Ms El-Nakla’s brother, who works as a doctor in Gaza.

They found themselves trapped after militant group Hamas sent fighters across the border and fired thousands of rockets in what it said was a new operation on Saturday.

My colleague Joe Middleton has more:

Humza Yousaf’s wife talks of ‘terrified’ parents trapped in Gaza

22-year-old Irish-Israeli citizen Kim Damti confirmed dead after Hamas attack

06:09 , Namita Singh

A 22-year-old Irish-Israeli citizen has been confirmed dead after the Hamas attacks in Israel.

Kim Damti had been attending a music festival near the Gaza border on Saturday when the surprise attack by the Hamas militant group was carried out.

Irish president Michael D Higgins said he heard the news of Ms Damti’s death with the “greatest sadness”.

“The circumstances in which her life was taken, having travelled as she did to attend a music festival, are truly appalling,” he said.


22-year-old Irish-Israeli citizen Kim Damti confirmed dead after Hamas attack

Israel poised for massive ground invasion of Gaza – as UN warns of ‘humanitarian catastrophe’

06:06 , Namita Singh

The Israeli army is poised for a ground invasion of Gaza, as the United Nations warned of an unfolding “humanitarian catastrophe” in the besieged Strip.

Hundreds of thousands of IDF troops have amassed in multiple divisions on the border of the enclave, which they have sealed off and cut access to water, fuel, electricity and food.

Over the last few days, the Israeli air force has launched near continual and ferocious bombardments of Gaza, levelling whole neighbourhoods and reducing city blocks to rubble.

Military officials warned that “every option was on the table” in response to the unprecedented attack by Hamas militants who breached the border fence in dozens of locations at the weekend, killing hundreds of people and taking dozens hostage.

Our international correspondent Bel Trew reports:

Israel poised for ground invasion of Gaza – as UN warns of ‘humanitarian catastrophe’

Netanyahu forms wartime cabinet to oversee conflict in Gaza as he vows to ‘crush and destroy’ Hamas

05:44 , Namita Singh

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu joined with a top political rival on Wednesday to create a wartime cabinet to oversee the fight to avenge the gruesome weekend attack by Hamas militants.

In the sealed-off Gaza Strip, Palestinian suffering mounted as Israeli bombardment demolished neighbourhoods and the only power plant ran out of fuel.

Mr Netanyahu vowed to “crush and destroy” Hamas. “Every Hamas member is a dead man,” he said in a televised address.

Palestinian citizens inspect damage to their homes caused by Israeli airstrikes in the Karama area, northern Gaza Strip, 11 October 2023 (Getty Images)
Palestinian citizens inspect damage to their homes caused by Israeli airstrikes in the Karama area, northern Gaza Strip, 11 October 2023 (Getty Images)

The new cabinet establishes a degree of unity after years of bitterly divisive politics and at a time when the Israeli military appears increasingly likely to launch a ground offensive into Gaza. The war has already claimed at least 2,300 lives on both sides.

The Israeli government is under intense public pressure to topple Hamas after its militants stormed through a border fence on Saturday and massacred hundreds of Israelis in their homes, on the streets and at an outdoor music festival.

Biden says US ‘working on every aspect of hostage recovery’ after at least 17 Americans taken by Hamas

05:31 , Namita Singh

President Joe Biden on Wednesday said the US is deeply engaged with Israeli officials and providing resources and expertise towards the recovery of the hundreds of hostages taken by Hamas after this past weekend’s terrorist attacks but declined to go into detail, citing operational safety concerns.

“We’re working on every aspect of the hostage crisis in Israel, including deploying experts to advise and assist with recovery efforts,” he said during an event to discuss the White House’s strategy to counter antisemitism alongside Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff.

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters at the White House’s daily briefing that the government’s count of Americans killed in the attacks current stands at 22, with 17 unaccounted for and thought to be held hostage.


Biden says US ‘working on every aspect of hostage recovery’ after Hamas attacks

UN palestinian refugee agency seeks $104m for urgent aid to Gaza

05:15 , Namita Singh

The United Nations Palestinian refugee agency said on Wednesday it was seeking $104m for life-saving aid to Gaza, which has been pounded by Israeli reprisal strikes following attacks by Hamas against Israel.

“UNRWA is urgently seeking US$ 104 million to enable its multi-sectoral humanitarian response over the coming 90 days,” the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said in a statement.

“The requested funds will cover the urgent immediate food, non-food, health, shelter and protection needs of up to 250,000 persons seeking safety in UNRWA shelters across the ravaged Gaza Strip and another 250,000 Palestine refugees within the community.”

The body of a Palestinian killed in an Israeli airstrike, is carried into the morgue of Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Tuesday, 9 May 2023 (AP)
The body of a Palestinian killed in an Israeli airstrike, is carried into the morgue of Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Tuesday, 9 May 2023 (AP)

UNRWA, which was already facing financial difficulties, said it had enough funding to continue its regular services, including education, healthcare and social protection, across the region until the end of October.

“To keep our life-saving work in Gaza and throughout the region ongoing and to remain a lifeline for millions of Palestine Refugees across the region, I appeal to UNRWA’s donors and partners to scale up their financial support,” said Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner-general of UNRWA.

More than 330,000 Palestinians displaced as Israel continues to pound Gaza

05:13 , Namita Singh

More than 330,000 people have been displaced since Israel began bombarding the Gaza Strip, the UN said on Thursday.

“The cumulative number of displaced people increased by 30 per cent over the past 24 hours, now totalling 338,934, of whom over two thirds are taking shelter in UNRWA schools,” a statement from United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said.

An Israeli army flare illuminates the sky above the northern Gaza strip, on, 11 October 2023 (EPA)
An Israeli army flare illuminates the sky above the northern Gaza strip, on, 11 October 2023 (EPA)

Gaza’s sole power station runs out of fuel as water supply also threatened

04:52 , Namita Singh

Gaza’s only power plant has run out of fuel, plunging swathes of the enclave into darkness and threatening its water supply.

It comes as UN officials have said the crowded Strip is effectively “sealed” and no aid was being allowed in – while food and medical supplies are worryingly low.

Israel is pounding the tiny besieged enclave with the heaviest strikes ever recorded, according to Israeli military officials, who told The Independent they had launched an “unprecedented response to an unprecedented attack” from the Hamas militant group.

My colleague Bel Trew reports:

Gaza’s sole power station runs out of fuel as water supply also threatened

Nets coach Vaughn says team from Israel wants to play exhibition game despite war at home

04:29 , Namita Singh

Nets coach Jacque Vaughn said their opponent from Israel still wants to play an exhibition game on Thursday night in Brooklyn, days after the country was attacked by Hamas militants.

Maccabi Ra’anana will be opening a three-game tour against NBA teams. Nets centre Nic Claxton questioned on Wednesday whether the game should be played because of the ongoing war that has already claimed more than 2,300 lives.

“We feel for the players that we’re playing against,” the centre said. “I don’t know if we should be playing the game personally. I don’t think we should be playing the game.”

More here:

Nets coach Vaughn says team from Israel wants to play exhibition game Thursday despite war at home

Rob Rinder makes emotional plea for kindness after death of Israeli friends

04:22 , Namita Singh

Rob Rinder has made an emotional plea to social media users to “think carefully” before they post following the death of two of his friends in Israel.

Speaking to Sky News at the Attitude Awards in London on Wednesday, Rinder said: “Be kind, read and educate yourself and think carefully before you post (on social media).

“Kindness requires thought, it requires hope, it requires you to try and be as mindful as possible, as you can have to learn a little bit and we invite that from other communities and that’s true of the Jewish community as well.

“Right now, our Jewish community, many of my friends, my kids who I taught, I’ve got friends who were killed at that dance party, for example, a couple who planned to get married, two women in Israel, they spent their lives trying to work and campaign for peace and they’re gone tonight.”


Rob Rinder makes emotional plea for kindness after death of Israeli friends

Food in Gaza ‘likely to run out within a week’, says Oxfam

04:11 , Namita Singh

British aid charity Oxfam announced it has started a fundraising appeal, warning that unless Israel — which put Gaza under siege following Hamas’s deadly assault on the weekend — eases its complete blockade, then food is “likely to run out within a week”.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to “crush and destroy” every member of Hamas in a televised address on Wednesday.

In the sealed-off Gaza Strip ruled by Hamas, Palestinian suffering has mounted as Israel’s retaliatory bombardment demolished neighbourhoods and the only power plant ran out of fuel.

Aleema Shivji, Oxfam’s chief impact officer, said “innocent communities are trapped in Gaza, one of the most densely populated places on earth, with no safe place to escape the Israeli airstrikes”.

Jewish security group records 89 antisemitic incidents

04:11 , Namita Singh

The Community Security Trust says it has recorded at least 89 incidents of racism against British Jews since Hamas’s attack on Israel earlier this week.

Of these, six were assaults, three involved damage to Jewish property and 66 were related to abusive behaviour, with 22 taking place online.

Examples of an assault given by the organisation included a Jewish person walking to synagogue in London on Sunday morning being called a “dirty Jew” by a stranger, who said “no wonder you’re all getting raped”.

In north east London, the CST said a car slowed down outside a synagogue before the occupants of the vehicle shouted “Kill Jews” and “Death to Israel” while waving a Palestinian flag.

In a blog post on Wednesday, the Jewish security group said: “Make no mistake: these are anti-Jewish racist incidents and hate crimes in which Jewish people, property and institutions are singled out for hate, including death threats and abuse.

“In many cases, the perpetrators of these disgraceful incidents are using the symbols and language of pro-Palestinian politics as rhetorical weapons with which to threaten and abuse Jewish people.”

Biden: Israel should ‘operate by rules of war'

04:00 , Alexander Butler

US president Joe Biden said he told Israel it should “operate by the rules of war”.

Minister ‘very concerned’ as antisemitic incidents up by 324 per cent since Hamas attack

03:49 , Namita Singh

Antisemitic incidents in the UK have increased by more than 300 per cent since Hamas’ attack on Israel, according to a Jewish security group.

The Community Security Trust (CST), which represents British Jews on issues of racism and policing, said it had recorded 89 incidents between 7-10 October that it classed as “anti-Jewish hate”.

It said that marked a 324 per cent rise on the 21 antisemitic incidents recorded over the same period last year.

Security minister Tom Tugendhat said he was “very concerned” at reports of an increase in antisemitism in Britain since the assault by the Palestinian militant group started on Saturday, which saw fighters massacre hundreds of Israelis in their homes, on the streets and at a music festival.


Minister ‘very concerned’ as antisemitic incidents up by 324% since Hamas attack

Biden says US has warned Iran to 'be careful'

03:00 , Alexander Butler

US President Joe Biden said deployment of military ships and aircraft closer to Israel should be seen as a signal to Iran to “be careful.”

He noted the American deployment in response to the Hamas attacks on Israel and said: “We made it clear to the Iranians: Be careful.”

Biden said the US warned Iran to ‘be careful’ (REUTERS)
Biden said the US warned Iran to ‘be careful’ (REUTERS)

Biden says US ‘working on every aspect of hostage recovery’

02:00 , Andrew Feinberg

President Joe Biden on Wednesday said the US is deeply engaged with Israeli officials and providing resources and expertise towards the recovery of the hundreds of hostages taken by Hamas after this past weekend’s terrorist attacks but declined to go into detail, citing operational safety concerns.

“We’re working on every aspect of the hostage crisis in Israel, including deploying experts to advise and assist with recovery efforts,” he said during an event to discuss the White House’s strategy to counter antisemitism alongside Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff.

‘Silence is complicity’: Biden offers solidarity to Jewish community after Hamas attacks

01:00 , Alexander Butler

Iran and Saudi Arabia speak for first time since ties normalised

Thursday 12 October 2023 00:00 , Alexander Butler

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman discussed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, according to reports.

Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (AFP via Getty Images)
Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (AFP via Getty Images)

Mr Raisi and the Saudi crown prince discussed the “need to end war crimes against Palestine.”

‘We’re just hoping he somehow got out’: A US woman prays her Israeli cousin survived the rave attack

Wednesday 11 October 2023 23:10 , Joe Middleton

The American cousin of a missing Israeli man, who was last seen helping women to safety as Hamas militants launched a horror attack at a music festival near the border with Gaza, told The Independent their family is desperate for answers.

“The car that he used to save people — that is still on the side of the road smashed up right now — is the car he picks us up at the airport with,” Keren Shimoni, cousin of Ben Shimoni, told The Independent on Wednesday.

Thirty-one-year-old Mr Shimoni was among more than 3,500 festival-goers at the Supernova Festival near Kibbutz Re’im.

The celebration, a marathon trance music event held in honour of the Sukkot festival, came under attack by Hamas terrorist fighters early on Saturday morning as attendees were indiscriminately murdered and taken hostage.

A US woman desperately hopes her Israeli cousin survived the festival rave attack

Three Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers in West Bank

Wednesday 11 October 2023 23:00 , Alexander Butler

Three Palestinians were killed by gunfire from Israeli forces and settlers in Qusra village near the West Bank city of Nablus on Wednesday. Eleven other Palestinians were wounded by live rounds, according to reports.

Israeli settlers had attacked the village located south of Nablus, and fired live bullets at citizens and ambulances in the place, according to the city’s mayor.

Netanyahu vows to ‘crush and destroy’ Hamas

Wednesday 11 October 2023 22:30 , Alexander Butler

In a televised address on Wednesday night, Mr Netanyahu detailed atrocities that took place during the attack, including boys and girls bound and shot in the head, people burned alive, women raped and soldiers who were beheaded.

“Every Hamas member is a dead man,” he said. “We will crush and destroy it.”

Netanyahu vowed to ‘crush and destroy’ Hamas (AP)
Netanyahu vowed to ‘crush and destroy’ Hamas (AP)

Prince and Princess of Wales ‘distressed’ by conflict

Wednesday 11 October 2023 22:00 , Alexander Butler

The Prince and Princess of Wales are “distressed” by the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

In a statement posted to X, formerly Twitter, the Royals said: “The horrors inflicted by Hamas’s terror attack are apalling.”

Kirby warns America to prepare for rise Hamas hostage numbers

Wednesday 11 October 2023 21:45 , Alexander Butler

Blinken compares Hamas depravity to Isis ahead of visit

Wednesday 11 October 2023 21:30 , Alexander Butler

UN calls for ‘immediate’ release of Israeli hostages

Wednesday 11 October 2023 21:14 , Alexander Butler

The United Nations Secretary-General has called for an “immediate” release of Israeli hostages held in Gaza.

In a statement, secretary-general António Guterres said: “I call for the immediate release of all Israeli hostages held in Gaza.

“Civilians must be protected at all times. International humanitarian law must be respected and upheld.”

Mr Guterres also said 220,000 Palestinians were now sheltering in 92 UN facilities across Gaza. He urged Israeli authorities not to target hospitals, schools and clinics.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addresses the situation in Israel (AP)
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addresses the situation in Israel (AP)

Met appeals for footage and information on terror attacks

Wednesday 11 October 2023 20:29 , Jane Dalton

The Metropolitan Police are appealing for anyone in the UK who has direct evidence on the terrorist attacks in southern Israel to contact them.

Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command say they are in close contact with the Foreign Office and are seeking information about UK nationals there.

They also want footage.

“This appeal is directed at anyone who may have already returned from Israel in the past few days and has footage or images of the terrorist attacks,” the Met said.

“This appeal is directed at anyone who may have already returned from Israel in the past few days and has footage or images of the terrorist attacks.

“Family liaison officers from UK police forces are supporting the affected families. UK policing also has a role in assisting with any repatriation of their loved ones back to the UK.”

Arab ministers call for ceasefire

Wednesday 11 October 2023 20:22 , Jane Dalton

Arab foreign ministers have called for an immediate ceasefire.

The ministers released a statement after meeting at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, which was called by the Palestinians to discuss developments in the war.

The communique condemned the killing of civilians on both sides and called for the release of all detainees held either by Israel or the Palestinians.

The ministers also called for Israel to end its siege of Gaza, and to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid, food and fuel to Palestinians in the enclave.

US family mourn death of nephew in Hamas terror

Wednesday 11 October 2023 19:50 , Jane Dalton

A US family whose nephew was killed in the attack by Hamas terrorists in Israel on Saturday have spoken of how he had his whole life ahead of him:

Connecticut family mourns death of nephew in Hamas terror attacks in Israel

Oxfam launches fundraising drive for Gaza

Wednesday 11 October 2023 19:38 , Jane Dalton

Oxfam says it has started a fundraising appeal to provide humanitarian support following the eruption of fresh violence.

The aid charity said that unless Israel, which put the Gaza Strip under siege following Hamas’s deadly assault at the weekend, eases its complete blockade, food is likely to run out within a week.

Aleema Shivji, Oxfam’s chief impact officer, said: “The violence perpetrated on Israeli civilians by Hamas was appalling and Oxfam condemns those attacks in the strongest possible terms.

“Yet innocent communities are trapped in Gaza, one of the most densely populated places on earth, with no safe place to escape the Israeli air strikes.

“Over 250,000 people have had to leave their homes, more than two-thirds are now crammed into UN schools with little access to drinking water, food or toilets.

“We urgently need to raise money so that our team can deliver life-saving essentials.”

Gazan student has ‘no idea’ what to do over Israeli blockade

Wednesday 11 October 2023 19:30 , Alexander Butler

Dima Mohamed Abu Asaker, a 20-year-old student in Gaza, said she has “no idea” what she and her family will do now that Israel has blocked food, water and fuel from entering Gaza, Maryam Zakir-Hussain reports.

But despite these disappearing essentials, she said this is the last thing she is thinking about.

She told The Independent: “The only thing we are thinking about is how we are going to survive the bombs. They are raining us with it every day and every second. We are not terrified about the resources, just about the bombs.

“But about the resources, we have no idea what we are going to do. In Rafah, there are only a few houses that have electricity.

“My sister has had no electricity and no internet for five days. I have come to my neighbour’s house to talk to you so I can use their internet.”

Missing British man Jake Marlowe confirmed dead

Wednesday 11 October 2023 19:10 , Joe Middleton

A British man who went missing after Hamas attacked attendees at a music festival in Israel has been confirmed as dead by the country’s embassy in London.

Jake Marlowe had not been seen since the invasion early on Saturday morning when he was providing security for the event in the desert near Kibbutz Re’im, close to the Gaza border.

Jake Marlowe has been confirmed dead (Jake Marlowe/Facebook)
Jake Marlowe has been confirmed dead (Jake Marlowe/Facebook)

On Wednesday afternoon, Israel’s Embassy in London said: “UK national Jake Marlowe, now confirmed dead in southern Israel. Repatriation plans being put in place.”

His mother Lisa wrote on Facebook that she and her family were “heartbroken” after hearing the “crushing news”.

United Nations Secretary-General demands access to Gaza

Wednesday 11 October 2023 18:55 , Alexander Butler

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has said the UN “must be allowed access into Gaza to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to Palestinians.”

James Cleverly caught a ‘glimpse’ of what millions experience in Israel

Wednesday 11 October 2023 18:50 , Alexander Butler

Foreign secretary James Cleverly said he caught a “glimpse” of what millions of Israelis experience everyday after he was filmed running for shelter in the country.

Writing on X, formerly Twitter, he said: “Today I’ve seen a glimpse of what millions experience every day. The threat of Hamas rockets lingers over every Israeli man, woman and child.

“This is why we are standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel.”

Air raid alerts in northern Israel ‘malfunctioned'

Wednesday 11 October 2023 18:40 , Alexander Butler

Air raid alerts in the north of Israel ‘malfunctioned’ according to the Israel Defence Forces.

Earlier, citizens were urged to take shelter after “hostile aircraft” entered from Lebanon. But the country’s military later clarified a rocket had been launched from Gaza.

President Biden calls Hamas attacks ‘pure evil'

Wednesday 11 October 2023 18:24 , Alexander Butler

US President Joe Biden has called Hamas’s attacks on southern Israel as “pure, unadulterated evil”.

In a video posted to X, formerly Twitter, he said: “You know, there are moments in this life, and I mean this literally, when the pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world.

“The people of Israel lived through once such moment this weekend. At the bloody hands of the terror organisation Hamas, a group whose stated purpose is to kill Jews.

“This was an act of sheer evil. This is terrorism. But sadly for the Jewish people, it’s not new. This attack has brought to the surface painful memories and the scars left by a millenium of antisemitism and genocide of the Jewish people.”

Palestinian death toll rises to 1,100

Wednesday 11 October 2023 18:10 , Alexander Butler

The number of Palestinians killed in the conflict between Israel and Hamas has risen from 1,055 to 1,100, according to Gaza’s health ministry. A total of 5,339 people have been injured, it added.

Meanwhile, 1,200 Israelis have died since Hamas launched its attack and more than 2,700 have been injured, according to the country’s military.

Starmer accused of endorsing ‘punishment’ of Gaza

Wednesday 11 October 2023 17:56 , Alexander Butler

Grilled earlier on LBC if he thought a siege of Gaza was appropriate if it involved “cutting off power, cutting off water”, Labour Sir Keir Starmer replied: “I think that Israel does have that right,” before also clarifying: “Obviously, everything should be done within international law.”

The Labour Muslim Network accused Sir Keir of endorsing the “collective punishment” of 2.2 million people in Gaza – calling for him to “retract his comments on LBC, and apologise”.

Israelis in the north told to stay at home and lock doors

Wednesday 11 October 2023 17:40 , Alexander Butler

Israelis in northern towns have been told to stay at home and lock their doors due to a “possible infiltration”.

Writing on X, formerly Twitter, Israel’s Homefront Command said: “Residents of the settlements in the Gulf, Lower Galilee, Central Galilee, Upper Galilee, South Golan, North Golan and the conflict line must enter a protected area and stay there until further notice.”

Suspected infiltration into Israeli airspace from Lebanon, IDF says

Wednesday 11 October 2023 17:30 , Alexander Butler

There has been a “suspected infiltration” into Israeli airspace from Lebanon, according to the Israeli Defence Force.

Father of four has ‘no idea’ if he will survive Israeli airstrikes over Gaza

Wednesday 11 October 2023 17:20 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

A father-of-four has “no idea” if he will survive Israeli airstrikes over Gaza, Maryam Zakir-Hussain reports.

As our reporter spoke on the phone with him, the sound of a plane overhead was followed by “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.”

King Charles holds call with Israeli president

Wednesday 11 October 2023 17:10 , Alexander Butler

King Charles has held a call with Israel’s president to express his “deep shock” at the “barbaric” attacks launched by Hamas.

“The two talked at length about the terrible massacre and how it was carried out,” a statement from Mr Herzog’s office said.

King Charles held a call with Israel’s president (PA Wire)
King Charles held a call with Israel’s president (PA Wire)

Risk of passenger plane being downed over Israel is ‘high'

Wednesday 11 October 2023 17:00 , Alexander Butler

The risk of a passenger plane becoming a “casualty” of the war in Israel is “high”, according to aviation experts.

In a statement posted on its website, OpsGroup said Israel was an “active war zone” and lessons learned from the downing of the MH17 commercial flight over Ukraine in 2014 “need to be applied”.

“In the nine years since MH17 was shot down, we have made many advances in recognizing conflict zone risk to civil aviation,” it said.

“It’s time to apply that understanding, and avoid another civil aircraft catastrophe. The risk of a passenger aircraft becoming a casualty of this war is high.”

British man confirmed dead in southern Israel

Wednesday 11 October 2023 16:48 , Alexander Butler

A British man has been confirmed dead in southern Israel after he went missing following Hamas’s attack on a music festival near Gaza.

Jake Marlowe, 26, was working as part of a security team at the dance festival when he went missing on Saturday.

“We are heartbroken to have to inform you the crushing news that our son Jake has been confirmed dead in southern Israel,” a statement released by his parents Lisa and Michael Marlowe said.

 (Jake Marlowe/Facebook)
(Jake Marlowe/Facebook)
