Israel accused of trying to ‘ethnically cleanse Gaza Strip’ as 1 million ordered to evacuate

Israel has been accused of “wanting to conduct ethnic cleansing” of the people of Gaza after an unprecedented evacuation order was issued to Palestinians in the north of the strip.

Dr Mustafa Barghouit, from the West Bank political party Palestinian National Initiative, said the country was waging a war of “annihilation against a whole civilian population”, destroying homes, hospitals and schools.

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) is poised to initiate a ground assault a week after a Hamas terrorist attack saw militants parachute into Israel and gun down hundreds of innocent victims in a horrifying display of indiscriminate violence.

The UN says the evacuation cannot be achieved without “devastating humanitiarian consquences”.

Dr Barghouit told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that it was impossible for the 1.1m residents to flee south because the roads were damaged, adding: “They can’t do anything but die in front of these actions fo Isreal, they cannot move.”

He was speaking after the IDF sent the evacuation order on Friday morning, warning people living north of the strip, including in Gaza City, to move south “for your own safety”.

Palestinians with their belongings flee to safer areas in Gaza City after Israeli air strikes (AFP via Getty Images)
Palestinians with their belongings flee to safer areas in Gaza City after Israeli air strikes (AFP via Getty Images)

The military instruction came as Israel seemingly prepared a ground offensive almost a week after Hamas’ surprise assault. The order has led to panic among civilians and aid workers already struggling under bombardments.

Hamas has responded by telling people to stay put, describing the Israeli orders has “fake propaganda”.

Dr Barghouit said: “I don’t know about Hamas, but I know something; that Israel is trying to ethnically cleanse Gaza Strip.

Neighbourhoods in the Gaza Strip have suffered from Israeli airstrikes (REUTERS)
Neighbourhoods in the Gaza Strip have suffered from Israeli airstrikes (REUTERS)
Palestinians search for casualties under the rubble in the aftermath of Israeli strikes (REUTERS)
Palestinians search for casualties under the rubble in the aftermath of Israeli strikes (REUTERS)

“They want to start with the northern part of Gaza in preparation for a ground invasion and then they want, and this is what the Israeli spokesperson said, and this what Netanyahu called for; eviction of all people of Gaza, 2.3m people to Egypt.

“They want to conduct ethnic cleansing , at this moment they are conducting a war of annihilation against a whole civilian population.”

He added: “How can the world accept this savagely attack on a civilian population? It’s totally unacceptable and no-one should tolerate it . This is a war of annihilation on the people of Gaza.”

Following the evacuation order on Friday morning, the United Nations said it was “impossible” for Palestinians to move to the south of Gaza in the next 24 hours.

Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the UN secretary-general, said: “The United Nations strongly appeals for any such order, if confirmed, to be rescinded avoiding what could transform what is already a tragedy into a calamitous situation.”

Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, spokesman of the lDF, said the evacuations were a “humanitarian step” to minimise civilian casualties. “The Hamas terrorist organisation waged a war against the state of Israel and Gaza City is an area where military operations are taking place,” he said.
