‘Instant waterworks.’ Mom with cancer moves millions on TikTok in Texas family’s videos

A family in Texas has stolen millions of hearts on TikTok by sharing its journey through a cancer diagnosis.

Haley Odlozil was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer in late 2015, her husband, Taylor, shared online. The years since her diagnosis have been difficult and at times heartbreaking, but also have pockets of joy — just as the windows into their life on TikTok show.

The Odlozils, who live in The Woodlands and have been together since high school in 2008, knew they wanted to be parents. Haley’s cancer diagnosis didn’t change that, but she had to get a full hysterectomy during a life-saving surgery when doctors first found cancer, Taylor explained in a video on Instagram. Instead, they had their son, Weston, through a family friend surrogate.

“Every night I thank God I get to be Weston’s dad. My love for him grows every day,” Taylor wrote on his family’s Instagram page.

@taylorodlozil 5/4/2023 Haley is stil fighting. Haley’s hospice nurse and hospice company got Weston a Build-A-Bear with Haley’s heart beat. Then they got me a printed copy of a recording of Haley’s heart beat. I control my emotions pretty well but this one got to me. We are so thankful for Marcie and Devotion Hospice. These are really meaningful gifts! #cancer #grief #sad #cry #sick #love #heart #family #jesus #memories #death #fyp ♬ Eyes Wide Open - Tony Anderson

Now the couple shares heartwarming — and wrenching — videos of Haley and Weston on social media. When Haley was put into hospice care, her nurses helped make a Build-A-Bear for Weston with his mom’s heartbeat in the bear.

In another video, Haley has the start of a difficult conversation with Weston that no parent hopes to have: She explained, in a kid-appropriate way, what would happen if she died.

“Weston asked Haley ‘Mommy, why are you going to heaven?’ This is the first time hes asked a question like this. He is definitely starting to realize something is happening,” Taylor wrote in the caption of a TikTok video. “It tore my heart out watching this. Haleys hospice nurse is so sweet and immediately comforted Haley. Hold your kids extra tight.”

@taylorodlozil 4/27/2023 Haley is still fighting. Right before I started filming, Weston asked Haley “Mommy, why are you going to heaven?” This is the first time hes asked a question like this. He is definitely starting to realize something is happening. We are waiting for the right time to sit him down and really explain whats going to happen. It tore my heart out watching this. Haleys hospice nurse is so sweet and immediately comforted Haley. Hold your kids extra tight tonight. #cancer #grief #sad #cry #death #love #family #sick #jesus #dying #fyp ♬ Sad Emotional Piano - DS Productions

“Haley is an amazing momma! How she explains is so tender and loving despite her sadness,” one person said.

“Instant waterworks,” another viewer said. “This was so beautifully said.”

Other videos share happy moments — peaceful trips to the ocean in Miami, the couple’s “Redo Wedding” after Haley lived to their fifth anniversary, a milestone that the doctors were unsure she would make. Moments in the rain and jokes also were posted.

Dozens of Taylor’s videos, which provide near-daily updates on Haley’s condition, are titled the same thing so viewers know how she’s doing: “Haley is still fighting.”

@taylorodlozil 5/7/2023 Haley is still fighting. Haley and I got married February 27th, 2016. 9 weeks after her stage 3C ovarian cancer diagnosis. We definitely were not in a great state of mind to enjoy our wedding because deep down we all knew she was dying. Doctors told us we wouldn’t make it to our 5th anniversary. So when Haley defied the odds and we made it to our 5th, I threw Haley an entire redo wedding. It was a total surprise for her, wedding dress and all. It was an incredible experience. Thank you to everyone who helped me make it happen. #cancer #wedding #grief #sad #cry #sick #love #family #jesus #fyp ♬ Bloom - Tony Anderson & Bonnie Brooksbank

“Haley is still fighting is all I want to read every single day,” one viewer said.

“(An) Incidental finding on CT scan last year showed rt ovarian cyst but not described as simple vs complex. Watching your story inspired me to follow up and I’m glad I did. I had a US Wednesday showing cyst complexity (with) increased blood flow concerning for malignancy,” another viewer said on an Instagram video. “ Thank you for sharing your story, helping me catch this & possibly saving my life.”

Haley also shared warning signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer on her social media for other women to watch out for.

About 19,710 will receive a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer and 13,720 will die from ovarian cancer in 2023 alone, the American Cancer Society reports.

Common symptoms of ovarian cancer, which are likely to worsen if the disease has spread, include the following, according to the American Cancer Society:

  • Bloating

  • Pelvic or abdominal (belly) pain

  • Trouble eating or feeling full quickly

  • Urinary symptoms such as urgency (always feeling like you have to go) or frequency (having to go often)

  • Fatigue (extreme tiredness)

  • Upset stomach

  • Back pain

  • Pain during sex

  • Constipation

  • Changes in a woman’s period, such as heavier bleeding than normal or irregular bleeding

  • Abdominal (belly) swelling with weight loss

Visit the American Cancer Society’s resource page to learn more about ovarian cancer.

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