The Ingenious Hack Martha Stewart Uses to Open Jars with Ease

Have you ever had that one stubborn glass jar that just won't open? No matter how much you try, you just can’t get the proper grip — even after throwing every trick in the book at it. So what do you do when the hand towel won’t do, or tapping the lid on the counter leaves the jar just as tight as it was before?

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According to a recent throwback video shared to TikTok by Martha Stewart, if you don’t have the privilege of a stronger friend or family member to pry that pesky jar open, there is still hope yet. Stewart’s trick? Just wrap a few fat rubber bands around the lid of the difficult jar in question, then twist like you normally would to get it open.

“How great!” Stewart exclaims in the video as the jar pops open. "Three fat rubber bands, they’ll really give you that grip you need to open a stubborn jar.”

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When a trick works out this easy, it’s almost hard to believe without trying it out for yourself. Sure, there are plenty of other methods for getting those real stubborn jars open — products have been invented for just that — but what Stewart does is give you a no-fuss solution to a problem that can be stored right in the “everything” drawer in our kitchens.

Whether you need the help or not, Stewart’s rubber band method should definitely be welcomed as useful advice. In those vital kitchen moments where theres' a lot going on at once and your hands are just lacking in the grip department, it’s nice to have a few tricks up your sleeve as back up. And if you ask me, this is another strong reason that we're so lucky to have Martha Stewart and her wealth of useful advice for every aspect of working in the kitchen.

Up next: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's Famous French Toast Is Rich, Thick and Larger Than Life
