Indoor market to host late night events

Wellington Markets
Late night events are popular among regular visitors, said the council [Telford and Wrekin Council]

A new programme of late night events has been introduced at an indoor market.

Visitors can attend the entertainment-packed evenings at Wellington Market in Shropshire across four Saturdays between June and September.

Telford & Wrekin Council said it was supportive of the events and of the benefits it would bring to market traders, local businesses and residents.

A full list of live acts as well as additional events will be announced at a later date.

Late night events are popular among regular visitors of the market, said the council.

They will be held on the below dates, with further events to be announced in due course:

  • Saturday 29 June

  • Saturday 27 July

  • Saturday 31 August

  • Saturday 28 September

Telford & Wrekin Council purchased the historic Wellington Market in 2023, in its first step towards a £8.3 million investment to improve it.

So far, the council has invested in working to improve the Heating and Fire Safety systems in the market as well ascreating an outdoor pop-up market, an entertainment area and an internal food court.

Lee Carter, Cabinet Member for Place (the Economy & Neighbourhood Services), said it was great news the events were starting again.

“The council has had to make significant investment in immediate improvements like the heating system and fire safety systems but this demonstrates an absolute commitment to ensure the Market is improved for generations to come.

“It will be great to see the late nights events open again and the town buzzing as a result."

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