Inaugural celebration of Portuguese poetry, culture and Fall River poets set for April 27

FALL RIVER – Despite having two poetry books published and a statue erected in his honor in his native city of Fall River, the late João Teixeira de Medeiros remains a bit of a hidden gem.

His poems primarily expressed the feelings of the emigrants and were often drawn on his own unique experience that saw him migrating twice.

Born in 1901, he lived around Pine Street for nine years before moving to Pedreira do Nordeste in São Miguel, Azores, with his family. In 1930, he moved back to the Spindle City. Although he had returned to his homeland, he always felt and lived like an immigrant.

With only a formal 3rd grade education, he used simple language in his writings, but his poems were so unique that Brown University published a book of his verse. He passed away in 1995, leaving two titles: “Do Tempo e de Mim” and “Ilha em Terra.”

On April 27, the first annual ‘Poesia: A Celebration of Portuguese Poetry, Culture, & Fall River Poets’ will not only highlight his poetry, but also the significant contributions that other Portuguese have made throughout history to local, national, and international arts and culture.

“The idea was to raise the visibility and engagement with Portuguese poetry and culture, because I don’t think that people would ordinarily associate the Portuguese with all their massive contributions in world literature, which are vast,” said Patti Rego, the executive director of Viva Fall River, which will co-present the event with Newport Poetry and the City of Fall River.

Celebration to be split between three places

The special program will start at 10 a.m. at the Gates of the City on Ponta Delgada Boulevard – a symbol of the sister city relationship between Ponta Delgada, Azores, and Fall River.

Fall River Professor Odete Amarelo and Professor Carlos Almeida, the director of LusoCentro, will lead discussions on the significance of the sister city relationship and the Portuguese diaspora. The poem “Streets of Fall River” by Al Rocheleau, a poet born and raised in Fall River, will be read.

“It’s really lovely, with all kinds of memories,” Rego noted about Rocheleau’s poem.

Event participants will then proceed to the Monument of Poet João Teixeira de Medeiros at Heritage State Park. Built with funds raised by the local Portuguese community, the monument features a bust of Teixeira and ceramic tiles depicting some of his poems in Portuguese and English, which were donated by the municipality of Nordeste.

“I had come across the monument while taking a walk one day and it made me so curious,” Rego said. “I know a lot about Fall River, and I didn’t know anything about him. It is really sad we don’t do more to highlight people like him.”

At 11 a.m., Brown University Professor Onésimo T. Almeida will talk about his inspiration for bringing the community of Fall River together to fund the monument, which was installed in 2001. A reading of Medeiros’ poems will follow.

Rego said that what makes Teixeira’s poetry so interesting was his ability to transform simple words into something quite magical.

“Sometimes people think about poetry and think it’s not for me because it’s too intellectual, but his is much more from his heart and it kind of shows that poetry is for everybody,” she said. “You don’t have to have these big, fancy, flowery words… he was writing from his soul. People are always looking for that story of the people who made it, but you don’t have to be famous to really have that kind of an impact.”

The program will culminate with a reception and bilingual poetry reading of select major Portuguese poets, from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Heritage Park Visitors Center, located at 5 Water St.

Award-winning Luso-American poet Scott Edward Anderson, a Providence native who now divides his time between the Berkshire Mountains in Western Massachusetts and São Miguel, Azores, will open the poetry reading session. The work of Luís Vaz de Camões and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen will be featured, among other major poets.

“There are many literary experts who consider Luís de Camões on the same level as Shakespeare, but you never hear ‘Os Lusíadas’ being compared with one of Shakespeare’s works,” Rego said. “We want to raise the exposure to the same level. Here in Fall River, we are so rich with Portuguese culture, and I think we take that for granted a lot of times.”

The session will also include the reading of the award-winning poems from the T(w)een Poetry Contest held for Fall River students in grades 6 to 12.

Entertainment will be provided by João Silva, who will play the classic guitar and the viola da terra, a stringed musical instrument from the Azores.

Organizers hope to turn celebration into annual event

‘Poesia: A Celebration of Portuguese Poetry, Culture, & Fall River Poets’ is being sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Europa Pastries & Coffee Shop and Chaves Market. It is also supported by Bristol Community College’s LusoCentro, Brown University Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Fall River Cultural Council, and Mass Cultural Council.

Rego said the hope is to turn this into an annual event.

“We hope this is just going to grow and be bigger next year,” she said. “Some people might wonder why Viva Fall River is doing this, you know, elevating the Portuguese. I consider this to be a great way to get different people to the city.”

She pointed out that Fall River does not have a poetry festival and this event celebrates the Portuguese in a way they are not usually celebrated.

“It’s not another, you know, amazing festival or festa,” she said. “This is something completely unique that appeals to a specific audience. My goal is to get people to look at Fall River differently. There are people that may not always think of Fall River in that way, as a place of literary discovery. So, this is a great opportunity.”

How to register for the free event

The event is free and open to the public.

Since space is limited, registration is required. To register, visit

Parking will be available on Ponta Delgada Boulevard and at Heritage State Park (lots at 200 Davol St. and 5 Water St.)

In the event of inclement weather, all activities will take place at the Heritage State Park Visitors Center. Attendees will be notified in advance of any change in venue.

For more information about this event, visit

This article originally appeared on The Herald News: Poesia to celebrate Portuguese poetry, culture and Fall River poets
