How do Idaho’s midterm elections fit into the national picture? Check our interactive maps

While some battleground states continue to count votes and wait for final results of the midterm elections, most Idahoans went to bed Tuesday night knowing the direction of their state for the next couple of years.

Incumbent Gov. Brad Little cruised to an easy reelection while fellow Republicans Scott Bedke (lieutenant governor), Raúl Labrador (attorney general) and Phil McGrane (secretary of state) all won big on the state level.

All three incumbent Republicans running for the Gem State’s one U.S. Senate race and two U.S. House of Representatives races also won.

But how does Idaho fit into the grand scheme of things at the U.S. Senate and House levels?

A party needs 51 members in the Senate and 218 in the House for a majority. Check the interactive maps below to see how Idaho voted in the Senate, House and governor races and the nationwide count for total seats in each contest.

The second set of graphics shows how many representatives each state has and a breakdown of each race by state.

For the second graphic, to see Idaho, you will have to select it from the drop-down menu; from there, you can see which areas voted more heavily in favor of each candidate for Idaho’s two House races.
