Hunter x Hunter Developer’s Best Game Is Free For 24 Hours

DNF Duel key art

Every year, the Epic Games Store holds a big holiday event, giving away a bunch of games and discounting hundreds more. We’ve already seen a very cheap Kingdom Hearts series sale, and for the past week Epic was giving away the Destiny 2: Legacy Collection, but its next giveaway is on now, and it’s an interesting one.

The game in question is DNF Duel, a fighting game from Japanese developer Eighting, in conjunction with Arc System Works and Neople, that’s actually pretty dang good. It’s a spinoff of the Dungeon & Fighter series, a beat-em-up series that’s mostly been spin-offs at this stage.

Still, DNF Duel was widely praised by press and gaming enthusiasts alike upon its release in 2022. Fans of the game were drawn to its fascinating (and often chaotic) playable characters, and while its story mode was said to be somewhat lacking, it more than made up for it with its bold art style and very solid gameplay experience — both solo and online.

The most interesting part of this, though, is the timing — DNF Duel is being made free just days after a Hunter x Hunter fighting game was announced from Eighting. The upcoming game doesn’t have any details yet, and it’s expected to be quite some time away at this point, but fans are already buzzing at the thought of it.

Now, we’re sure that it’s probably just a coincidence that DNF Duel is free shortly after its lead developer announced its next big project, but either way, it’s a great time to get stuck in. After all, it’s likely that Eighting’s work on DNF Duel will translate in one way or another into the Hunter x Hunter game, and you may as well start getting good at that particular style of gameplay ahead of its release.

DNF Duel is available for free on the Epic Games Store for just 24 hours following the publishing of this post. Once it hits 8:00am PT, the EGS will cycle through to the next game, and you’ll be back to paying full price.

Related: Jujutsu Kaisen Fighting Game Finally Gets A Release Date
