Horse improbably got stuck in farm equipment. Florida firefighters concocted a rescue

Walton County Fire Rescue photo

A goofy horse had to be rescued in Florida, after it got in a predicament that still defies logic.

It happened Friday, July 29, in Paxton, a Walton County community near the Florida-Alabama state line.

A filly named Pixie somehow got stuck in a hay feeder, which should be impossible for a horse — unless it can fly.

Hay feeders are boat-shaped grids of steel, and the only way to get stuck in one is to climb into it like a passenger.

Yet that’s exactly what Pixie did. Photos show she seemed almost proud of herself, too.

“Her owner (was) stumped on how to get her out,” Walton County Fire Rescue wrote on Facebook. “The owner called the vet to get some advice, and the vet knew exactly who to call.”

The fire department, of course. Turns out a lieutenant with Walton County Fire Rescue, Robin Grandstaff, “is a horse owner herself and was happy to help,” the department said.

Crews ultimately used “extrication cutters” to cut the horse out, as if it were an entrapped car crash victim.

“Fortunately, Pixie wasn’t hurt. It may not be what we usually use our cutters for, but we’re always happy to help in any way we can,” the department wrote.

It took 10-15 minutes and photos show the horse was grateful enough to pose for photos with Lieutenant Grandstaff, Lieutenant Jasper Carter and other firefighters.

“She seemed very happy to be free,” the department said.

Hundreds have reacted to the department’s Facebook post, including some who suggested the devilish horse did it because she was bored.

“Need to engineer something to be 100% safe? Leave it in a horse paddock for a day,” Jim Lillie wrote.

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