Horrific crashes send girls to Akron Children's Hospital, where they forge strong bond

Friendships can form in adversity.

When two people share common struggles, some things go without saying. They are known by both. No words are needed.

The person who has been beside you when you struggle may see your pain and sympathize. But the one who has experienced those same difficulties empathizes.

They know how it feels when the rounds of physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy are more than your body and mind can endure, and you must pause, even knowing that the work is needed to achieve your goal of returning to normal life.

Two girls whose lives were dramatically changed by separate, horrific accidents forged a friendship while recovering at Akron Children's Hospital.

Brynn Goedel, 17, a member of the Tuscarawas Valley High School band was hurt in a charter bus crash on Nov. 14 in Licking County, and Lenora "Nori" Shawk, 11, was injured in an Oct. 25 accident near her Canton home. Both ended up in the same hospital, with their rooms near each other.

When Brynn celebrated her birthday Dec. 6 in her hospital bed, Nori was among the visitors. The younger girl's mother, Colleen Shawk, marked the occasion with a photo on Facebook.

Brynn Goedel celebrated her 17th birthday Dec. 6 in a bed at Akron Children's Hospital, where she is recovering from injuries suffered in a Nov. 14 charter bus crash in Licking County. The Tuscarawas Valley Middle-High School junior is shown with Lenora "Nori" Shawk, 11, center, and her mother Colleen Shawk. Nori was in the same hospital, recovering from injuries suffered in a crash near her Canton home on Oct. 25.

"It’s this girl’s birthday! Happy birthday, Beautiful Brynn! It has been an absolute pleasure being your 'across the street' neighbor and therefore getting to know you. Even during this difficult time, you are an absolute ray of sunshine," Shawk wrote. "Keep shining bright, lady! You are going to do wonderful things!"

The friendship is a cheerful note amid the recovery struggles both girls have endured.

Lenora "Nori" Shawk, 11, had the chance to visit her home in northeast Canton on Sunday before returning to Akron Children's Hospital to continue recovering from injuries suffered in a Oct. 25 car accident near her home.
Lenora "Nori" Shawk, 11, had the chance to visit her home in northeast Canton on Sunday before returning to Akron Children's Hospital to continue recovering from injuries suffered in a Oct. 25 car accident near her home.

Special occasion: a day at home

Nori, a Glenwood Intermediate School sixth grader, recently reached a milestone. She was able to make a one-day visit to her home on Dec. 3. Her mother wrote on Facebook that the day away from the hospital was meant to allow her family to see what snags they might run into when she returns home.

"We decided to go home and decorate our Christmas tree," Shawk wrote on Facebook. "We had the most lovely 'normal' day. Nori decorated her gingerbread house."

The family, including Nori's older brother Isaac, ate favorite foods cooked by Andrew, the children's father and Colleen's husband. Nori got the chance to feed peanuts to a visiting squirrel who has been named Derek.

A few days later, Nori was released from the hospital and headed home.

Shawk noted that her daughter, still wobbly and weak on her feet, needs a lot of assistance with everyday activities. She uses a walker.

Still, she is far ahead of where she was immediately after she was hit by a car when she crossed 55th Street NE to play with neighbors on a warm and sunny afternoon. Canton police described her injuries as potentially life-threatening.

Brynn Goedel celebrated her 17th birthday Dec. 6 in Akron Children's Hospital, where the Tuscarawas Valley Middle-High School junior is recovering from injuries suffered in a Nov. 14 charter bus crash that killed three students and three adults.
Brynn Goedel celebrated her 17th birthday Dec. 6 in Akron Children's Hospital, where the Tuscarawas Valley Middle-High School junior is recovering from injuries suffered in a Nov. 14 charter bus crash that killed three students and three adults.

Both suffered numerous injuries

She had a brain injury, two fractured vertebrae, a fractured collarbone, a fractured scapula, mild pulmonary contusions, a mild laceration on her kidney and "a plethora of scrapes, cuts and bruises," her mother said on Facebook.

Her hospital friend was seriously injured, too. Brynn suffered multiple pelvic fractures, rib fractures, a severed sacrum, broken clavicle and lacerated bladder, along with a concussion. She is looking at multiple weeks or months in the hospital and rehabilitation, said Jackie Kandel, who is among those organizing a Feb. 3 fundraiser for Brynn and her family.

Danielle Goedel described her daughter as amazing, a girl who worked during the summers at the Atwood Lake camp store, babysat, is vice president of the junior class, a 4.0 student and member of her school's pep club and Hope Squad. Hope Squad members are trained to watch for at-risk students, provide friendship, identify suicide warning signs and seek help from adults.

Lenora "Nori" Shawk feeds a peanut to a squirrel named Derek during a visit to her Canton home on Sunday. The 11-year-old then returned to Akron Children's Hospital to continue recovering from injuries she suffered in an accident on Oct. 25 near her home.
Lenora "Nori" Shawk feeds a peanut to a squirrel named Derek during a visit to her Canton home on Sunday. The 11-year-old then returned to Akron Children's Hospital to continue recovering from injuries she suffered in an accident on Oct. 25 near her home.

Similarly, Shawk describes her daughter as a warrior who has labored despite hard moments.

Goedel said Brynn is fully aware of everything that happened on the day a fiery crash killed three adults and three students from her school, nicknamed Tusky Valley. The charter bus in which the school band was riding was hit from behind by a tractor-trailer on Interstate 70 in Licking County. The band and chaperones were traveling to a planned performance in Columbus.

Friends Brynn Goedel, left, and Katelyn Owens are shown in Halloween costumes. The girls were friends and clarinet players in the band at Tuscarawas Valley Middle-High School in Zoarville. Katelyn, 15, was killed in a Nov. 14 charter bus crash that occurred while the band was traveling to Columbus to perform. Brynn is recovering at Akron Children's Hospital from injuries suffered in the crash.

Brynn remembers everything

"She never lost consciousness and remembers the entire accident," Goedel wrote in a Facebook message.

She said Brynn has had four surgeries since the accident, all involving the pelvis and spine. Last week, Goedel posted this on Facebook: "Where do I start? I don’t even know what day it is to be honest! Last weekend turned into infection, surgery and blood transfusions. Tuesday more surgery."

Wednesday was Brynn's birthday. On Friday, she went back to surgery. Saturday brought "lots of pain," Goedel wrote, but also visitors, including Erika Grafe Owens and Michael Owens, parents of Katelyn N. Owens, 15, who died in the Nov. 14 crash.

"Brynn was one of Katelyn’s best friends," Grafe Owens said in a text message. "They both played clarinet. Brynn is our neighbor and she took Katelyn to and from school and band. Plus Brynn’s mom and dad (Rob) are good friends with us."

Recovery progress: Girl, 11, in hospital with brain injury, fractures suffered in Canton crash

Michael and Erika Grafe Owens visit Brynn Goedel on Saturday at Akron Childrens Hospital, where the Tuscarawas Valley Middle-High School junior is recovering from injuries suffered in a charter bus crash that killed three students and three adults associated with the school during a Nov. 14 band trip. The Owens' daughter, 15-year-old Katelyn Owens, was killed in the crash. She and Brynn were friends, neighbors and clarinet players in the band.

Tusky Valley bus crash patient welcomes visitors

For Brynn, Sunday was filled with visits from her band friends, directors and family.

Her mother posted her thanks publicly on Facebook for the continued love and support.

"Lots of ups, downs, smiles, a few tears, birthday fun, smiles, gifts, prayers, naps," she wrote.

The visitors were much welcomed.

On Dec. 3, Goedel wrote: "The last few days have been the toughest on Brynn so far. Not only medically, but she is missing her friends, Tusky Valley Band, school and important events."

Goedel wrote that Brynn had received cards and gifts from many people.

"Everyone has been amazing, encouraging and supportive," the mother wrote. "She is amazed by all the love and support. Please just know, She (WE) are so thankful. If it wasn’t for YOU … This Journey would be so much more Difficult. Please continue to pray and support all of our Tusky Valley friends and family."

Tusky Valley tragedy: 'Sick to my stomach.' Tusky Valley community reacts to fatal Columbus bus crash

Lenora "Nori" Shawk, 11, walks in her northeast Canton home on Sunday, before returning to Akron Children's Hospital, where she is recovering from injuries suffered in an Oct. 25 accident that happened on 55th Street NE.
Lenora "Nori" Shawk, 11, walks in her northeast Canton home on Sunday, before returning to Akron Children's Hospital, where she is recovering from injuries suffered in an Oct. 25 accident that happened on 55th Street NE.

Mother: 'He is knitting her together again'

Colleen Shawk also offered her thanks to those who have helped her family.

She is among those pulling for those suffering because of the Tusky Valley charter bus crash and others she has met at Akron Children's. "My heart aches and breaks for those celebrating their first Christmas without their favorite humans," Shawk wrote on Facebook. "I am carrying them in my bones. I am so sorry. I am praying for the victims of the Tusky Valley accident, some of whom have now become my friends."

On Dec. 5, Shawk posted a 12-year-old ultrasound image of a tiny Nori.

"This is Lenora Quinnette, while God was still forming her and knitting her together," she wrote. "And now, He is knitting her together again, just as we’ve all been praying!"

A benefit is planned for Feb. 3 at Buckeye Career Center in New Philadelphia for Brynn Goedel, a member of the Tuscarawas Valley High School band who was injured in a crash on Nov. 14.
A benefit is planned for Feb. 3 at Buckeye Career Center in New Philadelphia for Brynn Goedel, a member of the Tuscarawas Valley High School band who was injured in a crash on Nov. 14.

Feb. 3 benefit planned for Brynn Goedel

A benefit is planned for Feb. 3 at Buckeye Career Center in New Philadelphia for Brynn. It will begin at 4 p.m. and will include dinner, a children's auction, live auction, silent auction and raffle tickets.

Money can be donated to the Brynn Goedel Benefit Fund at any First Federal Community Bank. All the money raised is to go to Brynn and her family.

More information on the event can be found at the Brynn Goedel Benefit Facebook page.

GoFundMe accounts have been established online for both Brynn and Nori.

Reach Nancy at 330-580-8382 or nancy.molnar@cantonrep.com.

On X, formerly known as Twitter: @nmolnarTR

Canton police Officer Zachary Coblentz visited Lenora "Nori" Shawk after she returned home from Akron Children's Hospital. He assisted in the investigation of the Oct. 25 collision in which she was injured.
Canton police Officer Zachary Coblentz visited Lenora "Nori" Shawk after she returned home from Akron Children's Hospital. He assisted in the investigation of the Oct. 25 collision in which she was injured.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: At Akron Children's, Tusky Valley victim bonds with girl hit by car
