Honest Kitchen: Has the Dog Food Brand Issued a Recall in 2024?

A white dog eating from a purple bowl, there's no Honest Kitchen dog food recall at the moment
(Photo Credit: Melissa Ross | Getty Images)

As a dog owner, you have a key role to play in safeguarding your dog’s health and well-being. This role entails ensuring that whatever dog food you feed your canine is safe for consumption.

Sure, it’s largely the manufacturer’s responsibility to see to it that our four-legged companions have access to quality, toxic-free foods. However, as pet parents, it’s upon us to remain informed about whether the dog foods our canines are consuming have been recalled or not.

A crucial point to note is that when you discover your dog’s favorite dog food is on the recall list, you must immediately discontinue feeding it and reach out to your veterinarian for guidance.

With multiple pet food brands already under recall in 2024, you may be wondering whether Honest Kitchen is among these brands. Here’s what you need to know.

Has Honest Kitchen recalled its dog food in 2024?

Thankfully, Honest Kitchen has not issued a recall on any of its dog food products in 2024. This goes to show that, at the moment, all products by the San Diego-based company are FDA-approved. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not released any reports indicating an Honest Kitchen’s recall.

Furthermore, so far, there are no confirmed reports of dogs sickened or dying after consuming foods manufactured by Honest Kitchen.

Want to familiarize yourself with all the pet food brands on the recall list in 2024? We recommend you visit the Food and Drug Administration website.

When was the last Honest Kitchen dog food recall?

Honest Kitchen’s last dog food recall occurred in 2013. The company issued a voluntary recall of its Thrive, Zeal, and Verve products after establishing possible Salmonella contamination.

In dogs, Salmonella infection causes symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, fever, lethargy, dehydration, and vomiting. If left untreated, this infection can lead to death, especially in dogs with compromised immune systems.

The post Honest Kitchen: Has the Dog Food Brand Issued a Recall in 2024? appeared first on DogTime.
