Hollyoaks previews Christmas 2023 and New Year storylines in 41 new spoiler pictures

tony hutchinson in hollyoaks
Hollyoaks teases Christmas stories in 41 picturesLime Pictures

Coming up on Hollyoaks, the village bands together to support a struggling Darren Osborne over the Christmas season.

Elsewhere, Mercedes McQueen returns amid a health crisis for Nana, while Leah Barnes is rejected by Dillon Ray.

Our 41-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store. All dates refer to the early release days on Channel 4 streaming – as there's a Christmas box set once again this year where multiple episodes drop on one day, we've included episode numbers for ease of reference.

Thursday, December 21 (6273): It's Christmas in the village

Tony dresses up as Santa.

tony hutchinson in hollyoaks
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Thursday, December 21 (6273): Tony and Diane get into the Christmas spirit

They raise a glass upstairs at The Dog.

tony hutchinson and diane hutchinson in hollyoaks
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Thursday, December 21 (6273): Tony's day is interrupted

He receives a panicked call from Darren.

tony hutchinson in hollyoaks
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Thursday, December 21 (6273): Tony springs into action

Darren is worried that Norma could take his house away after the tough contract he previously signed with her.

diane hutchinson and tony hutchinson in hollyoaks
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Thursday, December 21 (6273): Tony has an idea

He starts a community fund for Darren, wanting to help him pay back Norma.

scott drinkwell, tony hutchinson and beau ramsey in hollyoaks
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Thursday, December 21 (6273): Darren is touched

Everyone comes together to support him.

darren osborne in hollyoaks
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Thursday, December 21 (6273): The money comes pouring in

Will it be enough?

tony hutchinson and darren osborne in hollyoaks
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Thursday, December 21 (6273): Scott and Beau celebrate Christmas

They're part of the festive event at the pub.

scott drinkwell and beau ramsey in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): James and Ste turn up

James is distracted, but Ste assumes that it's because he's struggling without Juliet.

james nightingale and ste hay in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Ste is in a good mood

He's still unaware of James' recent abuse of Lucas.

ste hay in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Joel, Leela and Leah are at The Dog

Leela recently told Joel that she's pregnant.

joel dexter, leela lomax and leah barnes in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Warren is going through a tough time

Mercedes is still away from the village.

warren fox in hollyoaks
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Thursday, December 21 (6273): Nana struggles at Christmas

She's missing Mercedes.

nana mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Nana fears the worst

Although the McQueens know that Mercedes is safe, Nana fears that she'll never come home.

nana mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Nana confides in Goldie

They talk about the family's current crisis.

nana mcqueen and goldie mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Nana and Goldie comfort each other

McQueens united.

nana mcqueen and goldie mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Goldie and Nana at Christmas

Can their day turn around for the better?

goldie mcqueen and nana mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Nana visits Warren

She blames him for Mercedes' disappearance.

warren fox and nana mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Thursday, December 21 (6273): Nana risks the wrath of Warren

Will things get out of hand?

warren fox and nana mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6275): Mercedes is back in the village

This comes amid a health crisis for Nana.

mercedes mcqueen in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6275): Everyone is worried about Nana

She was found unresponsive by Warren.

mercedes mcqueen and felix westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6275): Mercedes and Felix wait for news

Will they get a chance to talk about their relationship?

mercedes mcqueen and felix westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6275): Warren keeps a close eye on Mercedes

Before the day is over, he overhears Mercedes talking about her pregnancy at Nana's hospital bedside.

mercedes mcqueen and warren fox in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): It's New Year's Eve in the village

Tony hosts a party at The Dog.

tony hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Tony and Diane serve behind the bar

It's sure to be a night of busy takings.

tony hutchinson and diane hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Darren is also on duty

He seems in better spirits after his crisis over Christmas.

darren osborne and tony hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Darren is grateful to Tony

Tony is a true friend.

darren osborne and tony hutchinson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Jack and Pearl arrive

They're ready to enjoy the party.

darren osborne, jack osborne and pearl anderson in hollyoaks
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Friday, December 22 (6277): Jack and Pearl wait to be served

It's busy at the pub.

jack osborne and pearl anderson in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Pearl checks in with Darren

She makes sure that he's okay.

pearl anderson and darren osborne in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): The teens have their own party

There's an unauthorised New Year's Eve event at the youth club, as Vicky took the keys from Scott.

charlie dean, andre grant, dillon ray and leah barnes in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Vicky is surprised

Andre has arrived.

vicky grant and shing lin leong in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Vicky hadn't expected to see her brother

Andre has befriended Dillon.

vicky grant in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Dillon speaks to Leah

Leah has been flirting with Dillon.

dillon ray and leah barnes in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Leah thinks she's in with a chance

She has been admiring Dillon for weeks.

leah barnes in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6277): Leah is in for a disappointment

Dillon insists that he doesn't fancy her.

leah barnes in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6278): Sienna and Rafe spend time together

They're looking ahead to their wedding.

rafe harcourt and sienna blake in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6278): Sienna is oblivious to Rafe's scheming

She still hasn't realised that he's conning her.

rafe harcourt and sienna blake in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6278): Dillon and Vicky hug Andre

Andre is settling into the village.

dillon ray, andre grant and vicky grant in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6278): Andre is quickly winning everyone over

Dillon and Andre have become fast friends.

vicky grant, andre grant and dillon ray in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Friday, December 22 (6278): Andre could become embroiled in drama

Vicky suspects that Leah is using Andre after being rejected by Dillon.

andre grant in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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