Hobbies You Should Quit Spending So Much Money On

Upper Dean, Bedfordshire, England - September 07, 2019: Classic Black 1951 Citroen Traction Avant 11CV

Not All Hobbies Are Priced Equally

There's no denying the fact that some hobbies can be absolutely instrumental in instilling a deeper level of balance in your life. Without a hobby or two that you can sink some of your time and/or financial resources into, your life can spiral out of control when it comes to healthily balancing work and pleasure.

With that being said, this AskReddit thread certainly provides its fair share of the more financially hefty hobbies that you might find yourself intrigued by. By all means, if you have the resources to stock up on a multitude of coins that could very well mature in their overall value over time, then definitely do so.

(Just remember that some collectibles wind up being worthless in the long run.)

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about their very expensive coin collection

The Collection Could Pay Off In The Long Run.

Honestly though, to amass a properly abundance ancient coins collection does seem like just the kind of hobby that could treat you and your lineage well on down the road.

Then again, you could luck out like one couple who found one million antique coins in their crawlspace.

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about their hobby of collecting books.

In A World Dominated By Screens, Books Grow Increasingly Precious.

There are certain folks out there that might suggest that the feeling one gets from reading an actual physical book, as opposed to a digital story off their screen is far better.

(Besides, there are even some ways to earn money reading books.)

Reddit screenshot from someone talking about having multiple hobbies.

Why Limit Yourself To One Hobby?

Some people make a literal hobby out of collecting a multitude of hobbies.

(Who knows, one of those hobbies might actually make you money.)

Reddit screenshot of someone who is deeply invested in crochet.

Crochet Does Sound Very Relaxing.

As winter grows increasingly closer, a hobby like crochet could make for many a cozy and relaxing time.

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Reddit screenshot of someone talking about their fancy gaming computer

Ah Yes, Sweet Blissful Ignorance

Some folks just opt for the rose-colored lens' life of blissful ignorance.

Reddit screenshot about someone who has a gardening hobby.

Gardening Can Be An Incredibly Rewarding Way To Spend Your Time.

Not only is gardening a great and mindful way to organize your thoughts on a daily basis, but it's also just the kind of hobby in which you can literally reap the fruits of your own labor.  There are also plenty of ways to keep gardening dirt cheap.

Related: 'What’s Your $64 Tomato?': Redditors Weigh In on Their Greatest Sunken Costs

Reddit screenshot about someone talking about spending tons of money on their dogs' products.

Just Because Dogs Deserve It.

Companies nowadays are making some seriously cool dog toys. Don't even get us started on the treats that can actually at times look dangerously appetizing to the human being that might be possessed by a ferocious case of the hunger.

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about guitar gear being expensive.

Yes, Stick With That Story.

But really, how is one supposed to resist the maddening temptation that is sinking that next paycheck into a shiny new guitar?

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about their classic car.

Classic Cars Are Undeniably Cool Though.

Not only can one take their classic car to numerous classic car shows and engage with a passionate community brimming with potential new friends, but classic cars are just plain old fun to look at.

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about home cooking supplies collection.

At Least You Can Save Money On Not Eating Out.

This seems like one of those "pricey hobbies" that could pay for itself in the long run as long as you actually use your fancy cooking supplies/tools to prepare and enjoy tasty meals at home.

Related: 30 Kitchen Essentials That Are Built to Last

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about pricey curly hair supplies.

Curly Hair Is No Joke.

The ongoing battle that can be working to tame a head of curly hair certainly brings with it its own series of expensive hair supplies.

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about buying various expensive fragrances.

Just A Tad Bit Far Out There In Terms Of Pricing.

There are certain fragrances that have no business, no business at all, being priced the way that they are.

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about spending a lot of money on mountain biking gear.

It Seems Like This Could Be Far More Extreme.

Mountain biking seems like one of those activities where with enough strategic shopping around, you don't necessarily have to bust open your bank account to thoroughly enjoy your sessions with the activity.

Reddit screenshot about racing being a crazy expensive hobby.

Seriously, Didn't See This One Coming.

All sarcasm (see text above) aside, racing is one of those hobbies reserved for folks that quite simply have the extra money to play around with.

Reddit screenshot of someone talking about spending tons of money on running shoes.

This Is Why It's Worth It To Buy Nice Running Shoes.

As long as you're racking up those steps with your next pair of pricier running shoes, they can certainly be a worthwhile investment.

This article was originally published on Cheapism

Upper Dean, Bedfordshire, England - September 07, 2019: Classic Black 1951 Citroen Traction Avant 11CV

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