What to do after a hit and run in Washington

Key takeaways

  • Drivers who leave the scene of an accident without exchanging information may face fines and other penalties in Washington state.

  • Drivers involved in a hit-and-run may see increases in their car insurance costs, even if they are not at fault.

  • Uninsured motorist coverage or collision insurance could help cover the costs following a Washington state hit-and-run.

An accident can be a frightening experience, and even more so if the other driver leaves the scene without sharing information. In Washington state, hit-and-run laws feature penalties designed to protect the victims of this type of accident and punish those who do not follow the proper procedure if they are at-fault. Even if the at-fault driver is not found, you may have coverage for damage and injuries through your auto insurance—but you may also find yourself with increased rates, even if you did not cause the accident.

Hit-and-runs in Washington

In Washington, drivers are required to remain at the scene of an accident. If the driver who is at fault leaves the scene for any reason other than to bring help, it is considered a hit-and-run. Leaving the scene of an accident in WA may result in severe penalties, so it is worth taking the time to understand the hit-and-run laws here.

Washington hit-and-run laws

Per Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 46.52.020, if a driver injures a person or damages a vehicle, that driver is legally required to stop, exchange information and provide any necessary assistance, including getting injured parties medical care. If the accident causes a death, it will likely be considered a class B felony. An injury will likely result in a class C felony.

If you break the Washington hit-and-run law, your license may be suspended for up to one year. A class B felony may result in a jail term of up to 10 years or a fine of up to $20,000, while a class C felony is punishable by up to five years in jail and a fine of no more than $10,000.

When you can drive again, you may experience some challenges related to your car insurance. After a hit-and-run in Washington state, insurance can be harder to come by and may be significantly more expensive, particularly if you are classified as a high-risk driver.

How hit-and-runs impact car insurance rates in Washington

As mentioned, a hit-and-run conviction typically results in the at-fault driver’s car insurance rates going up. Between causing an accident, getting ticketed and potentially being required to file an SR-22, insurers may view hit-and-run drivers as more of a gamble to insure and price policies accordingly.

If you are the victim of a hit-and-run and file an insurance claim with your own provider, it’s possible that your rate will rise too — albeit less severely (in most cases) than if you caused the accident. Even so, it’s fortunate that there are multiple types of auto insurance coverage that may kick in. Collision insurance is one. Collision is generally part of a full coverage policy, and as the name suggests, it will help pay for repairs to your car when it is damaged in an accident. However, you will likely have to pay your deductible first.

4 things to do after a hit-and-run in Washington

While it might be tempting to chase after a fleeing driver, stay put if you are involved in a hit-and-run accident. Instead, take the following actions:

  • Check for injuries. Ascertain if anyone has sustained injuries. If it is safe to do so, move all vehicles and people involved out of the flow of traffic. Call 911 to have emergency medical services and police sent to your location if needed.

  • Jot down what you remember. While everything is still fresh, make notes on any details you can remember. For example, if you can recall, write down the hit-and-run driver’s license plate number, vehicle’s make and model and any other details that could help the police find them. If there are passengers in your vehicle or witnesses nearby, it can be helpful to write down any details they remember, too. You may also want to take pictures and/or videos of the scene and the damage to your vehicle.

  • Cooperate with the police. Have your insurance card handy and cooperate fully with the police officers at the scene. Stay out of their way while they are conducting interviews or otherwise aiding those who were involved in the accident.

  • Start your insurance claim. You should be able to get your insurance claim started right away by either calling your insurance provider or going to their app or website. The sooner you get your claim started, the sooner you will receive compensation for any covered losses.

Will insurance cover a hit-and-run?

Ideally, the police will be able to locate the hit-and-run driver. At that point, your insurance claim should be fairly straightforward. You’ll typically use the at-fault driver’s liability insurance — which the state requires every car owner to carry — to cover medical expenses, repairs or replacement of your vehicle, up to their policy’s limits.

But if the other driver cannot be located, or if the other driver does not have insurance, things get a bit more complicated. At that point, your options will depend on which coverages you carry:

  • Uninsured motorist coverage: If you chose to add this coverage type to your policy, it may step in after a hit-and-run. Just like liability coverage, there are two types of uninsured motorist coverage: bodily injury, which helps with resulting medical expenses, and property damage, which helps to repair your vehicle. Generally, you will not need to worry about a hit-and-run deductible (meaning no out-of-pocket expense for you) with uninsured motorist coverage.

  • Collision coverage: If you do not have uninsured motorist coverage, this type of optional insurance may help repair or replace your car. But collision coverage does come with a deductible that must be met by the insured prior to the coverage kicking in.

Frequently asked questions

    • How much does car insurance cost in Washington?

      The average cost of car insurance in the Evergreen State is $552 for state-mandated minimum coverage, while full coverage, which includes collision and comprehensive, averages $1,613 per year. Washington drivers should be happy to know that this is below the national averages, which are $740 for minimum and $2,542 for full coverage. Note, however, that your own rate is likely to differ from the average, since it is based on personal characteristics such as your age, location and driving history, as well as details related to your car, such as its age, make and model.

    • Is it a hit-and-run if I hit a parked car?

      Yes, if you leave the scene. The relevant Washington statute, RCW 46.52.010, says you need to stop and try to find the affected driver. If you cannot, you have a legal responsibility to leave a note with your information on the car you hit. Failure to do so can result in a misdemeanor charge.

    • How long does a hit-and-run stay on your record in Washington?

      Accidents in Washington, including hit-and-run collisions, stay on your license for five years — with a few exceptions. If you are driving a commercial vehicle and convicted of a hit-and-run, it will stay on your license for 10 years. And if the accident involves alcohol, it will remain on your record for life. Your insurer is likely to have its own rules regarding how long your rates will be impacted after an accident, though.
